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The Ignorance In Promoting Fake Science And Technology


February 21, 2024

Fake science and technology don't look right; and the manner in which corrupters promote them is an insult to rationality. It's not how intelligent persons are supposed to interact.

The first indication are the quips: "on par with coal" and "carbon free." Reducing monumental subjects to quips is not how educated persons are taught to communicate.

It's only possible to reduce complexities to quips in the absence of knowledge. Those subjects are multi-trillion dollar expenses by anyone's analysis. Science and technology are the most technically detailed subjects. To reduce them to quips says something is wrong.

In fact, only corruption gets reduced to quips. Where there is knowledge, the knowledge is relied upon. To not rely upon anything but quips says ignorance is driving force.

During the 1990s, even some nonscientists could see something ridiculous about a miniscule molecule in the atmosphere influencing climate. But at the same time, there was a weird, alternative reality being imposed onto the subject.

That's how corruption always works. Corrupters look for something weird to replace rationality with. They need anti-rationality to make themselves winners while knowing nothing.

For persons who couldn't be expected to know a thing about science and technology to overwhelm the social order with no criticism being allowed is a measure of the deterioration and fascism that resulted from incompetent power mongers taking over the social structures and converting them into power structures. The social standards were reduced to irrationality in that process.

The intractability of incompetent overwhelm is in the need to replace objective reality with motives. Corrupters believe in their corruption, because it makes them winners, where rationality exposes them as the corrupters that they are.

In attempting to prevail with ignorance, motives replace rationality. To be winners in replacing rationality with motives moves out of the reality medium and into a force medium. Realities are then trivialized with quips, while force overwhelms the social order.

You would think that replacing energy systems and transportation with alternative technology would impose some reality onto corrupters. But corrupters don't have enough reality in their heads to respond to the imposing realities. In fact, corruption generates a fantasy world, where imagined realities become superior to objective realities.

The disconnect from reality allows corrupters to assume they are going to populate other planets as the solution to their problems. The fact that there is no technology that remotely allows that to happen is irrelevant to corrupters. They assume technology will expand infinitely to solve their problems.

Belief in the absurd becomes a religion to corrupters, as they expect corruption to produce wizardry, while rationality is for fools.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose of life is to be a winner and rationality is for fools. Using force to overwhelm other persons makes corrupters three second winners. So they extend that result to infinity and expect a lot more force and violence to solve any problems that they encounter.

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