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Futurism As Vice

April 6, 2023

Greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving will not stand on their own with explanations and criticism; so they are promoted as futurism which removes them from accountability.

Futurism is a disconnect from objective reality. Disconnect means anything goes in fantasizing absurdities. In fact, the more ridiculous, the more successful in exploiting related motives.

The recent examples of fake science and technology have gotten extreme due to increasing complexity of technology. There is nothing unknown or uncriticized about the fake science and technology; yet the criticism is repelled on the basis of futurism, while critics are destroyed as being a threat to the wonders of the futurism. (Firing Scientists)

Notice that all standards of proper and valid communication are discarded in promoting futurism. No explanations are produced and no criticism is allowed, while opposition is said to be conspiracy theorizing which is being exterminated from all forms of media.

There is no real science behind the claimed greenhouse effect. The fraud is highly visible. Yet it is justified as an emergency situation where normalcy must be discarded to save mankind.

Similarly, there is no engineering validity to the fake technology that is supposed to be the solution. The technology has failed by every criteria long ago, while the claim is that it will do magic in the future.

The futurism erases the need to be rational and accountable in promoting fraud that is destroying economies, environments and resources as a method of putting incompetent frauds in control of our lives at the science, engineering, journalism and political levels.

There is not the slightest possibility of one molecule in 2,500 influencing the atmosphere no matter what its temperature is or what it does. There is not enough metal on planet Earth to convert ten percent of the energy into the fake renewables and electric vehicles that are supposedly needed to solve the fake problem.

There is already talk of restricting vehicles to fewer persons as part of the solution, while electricity costs five to ten times as much where fake renewables are developed, which means the war against the lower classes is part of the scheme, as corruption always is a war against vulnerable persons.

The endless garbage about life on other planets and unlimited space travel are part of the futuristic scheme in pretending that incompetent frauds can produce incredible magic in saving mankind with unlimited science and technology, while they can't solve real problems at the present time.

The latest aircraft carrier has only one elevator for moving aircraft to the surface, where it was supposed to have eight, because magnetic lifts were used, while there is no such thing as magnetic lifts and never will be. The engineers didn't know that, after the frauds shoved out anyone with half a brain for criticizing the incompetence and corruption. And engineers have renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving right? Only right by the standards of incompetent frauds.

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Electric Vehicles

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