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Moral Philosophy  341

The Fakery Of Superiority


April 6, 2024

Incompetent power mongers have a need to be superior due to the decadence that they need to compensate for. Transposing superiority onto decadence requires a lot of fakery.

Doing that is a lot easier in physics than usual because of the obscurity of physics. And since there hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced since 1845, The entire subject of physics is projected onto society in the form of fantasy futurism, which the public is supposed to pay through the nose for as the path to the solutions to all problems.

The examples include fusion energy, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, self-driving, going to Mars and inhabiting the universe. More mundane examples are renewable energy and electric vehicles, which the public is finding to be expensive scams.

The public hasn't found out yet what an absurdity going to Mars is; but notice the endless excuses for not making identifiable progress. If society's problems are going to be solved on Mars, why not just start with the Sahara desert? That the government has now been roped into the purpose shows the overwhelming impact of superiority fakery upon society.

Corrupters believe in their corruption. That includes incompetent power mongers believing in their superiority. But beliefs of corrupters are not base upon evaluation of objective realities, because corrupters are disconnected from objective realities.

There are slots in minds that need to be filled in with something based on necessity. So the corrupters' slot for believing is filled in with rationalizations for corruption. The way it works is that corrupters search for something that reinforces their assumptions aligned upon motives of making themselves winners through domination.

Fantasy realities meet the needs for power mongers, particularly since the fantasies are never converted into objective realities. Even the electric vehicles which people are supposed to be driving are based upon the futuristic assumption of producing the improved batteries and constructing enough "carbon free" renewable energy sometime in the future.

But the problem with concrete hardware being produced is that the public becomes aware of the impossibilities too easily, when they are required to spend money and sacrifice economies and environments to the purpose. The futurism runs aground over time, while the objective realities become more imposing.

Self-Driving Fraud

Artificial Intelligence Fraud

Going To Mars Fraud

Renewable Energy Fraud

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

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