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The Certainty Of Corruption

March 19, 2024

The certainty of corruption creates belligerence. Corrupters can't be told, because they couldn't possibly be wrong. To be wrong requires related realities which indicate what being wrong might be. Without related realities, there is no concept of alternatives; so there is no such thing as being wrong.

Therefore, what creates the certainty of corruption is missing reality. The more the missing reality, the more belligerence in imposing corruption onto everyone. Isn't that pattern more than obvious in Trump's belligerence?

Trump is certain that tariffs are the fix for economies including bringing back the manufacturing and creating jobs. He doesn't know that those subjects have been evaluated inside and out since the nineteenth century with the determination that tariffs are as outdated and nonfunctional as horse harnesses, except for isolated items which need to be protected for other reasons, as exceptions to rules do. Exceptions to rules cause morons to assume they are rules.

So the example of tariffs needs to be picked apart to show what missing realities do to belligerence. First and foremost with tariffs is isolationism. Isolationism in a complex world is like locking oneself into a prison. The rest of the world is going to keep functioning, while isolated countries self-destruct.

Where are the parts going to come from? Screws are no longer being produced in the United States. Someone said a few years ago that there are only about a dozen machinists left in the United states. There used to be tens of thousands.

So Trump has the concept that if the manufacturing is brought back, the U.S. can start producing screws and machinists again. To sell to 300 million persons? Markets need to be globalized now days. What is a globalized market to someone like Trump?

At a more complex level is the certainty that Reaganism is the "new normal," while it is nothing but the same old belligerence. The path of Reaganism always existed; but it wasn't normal. Making it normal is the purpose of followers of Reaganism. Reagan called it "morning in America," when he got elected a second time.

Reagan said, government is the problem. To get the government off their backs, conservatives threw out essential laws as so-called deregulation. Deregulating banking allowed derivatives to be produced, which created the economic collapse of 2008.

Back when there was an internet as an information super highway, it was said that there were three quadrillion dollars worth of derivatives in existence. There has never been a quadrillion dollars worth of actual money.

Derivatives are play money. So banks keep derivatives on a separate set of books and don't allow them to be exchanged for real money. But every once in a while a medium sized bank goes under; and it's management comes under the control of lawyers. The purpose of lawyers is to gather up assets, and they assume derivatives are assets. So they try to sell derivatives. Who is going to pour real money into fake money?

So the bankers went to Congress and said they need the authority to override the courts. Can you imagine how Congressmen laughed their ass off? Bankers overriding the courts? After a year of explaining the facts of life under Reaganism, Congress gave the banks authority to override the courts.

We don't know what has happened since, as the information super highway no longer exists. It was replaced with "social media." No one is allowed to search more than 200 items on search engines, while the first 200 items are cluttered with garbage. "Getting the crazies off the internet" has been a project in panic mode since the beginning of the internet. It took twenty years to get there. Social media got the crazies off the internet—that is, when too much truth and criticism is assumed to be produced by the crazies.

That's because corrupters believe in their corruptions. Belief could almost be defined as assumptions without surrounding realities. Belief is what replaced science a long ways back. Saving mankind from carbon dioxide is a belief system. Converting Newton's Laws into a religion is what physicists have been doing since 1845, when the fakery of Joule's measurement produced a false representation of kinetic energy.

As a religion, physics is supposed to give people something to believe in. That's why multi-billion dollar physics projects are concocted and lied about, such as gravity wave measurements and fusion reactors.

Believing in the value of corruption requires lying about corruption, which is how fascism replaced objective reality.

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The March To Fascism

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What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
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How Power Mongering Works
Radiative Transfer Equations
Greenhouse Gases
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Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
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Gravity Waves
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