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Moral Philosophy  326

Conspiracy Against Truth


November 2, 2023

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat, because the universe determines what truth is.

Truth increases through the interaction of realities; so combatting truth requires preventing realities from interacting.

Rationality is the human process of increasing truth by determining relationships between realities. Corrupters try to obliterate the process of producing rationality, because rationality exposes corrupters for what they are, both in their incapabilities in meeting the demands of rationality and in the resulting truth which exposes their frauds.

Incompetent power mongers conceal their corruption while trying to project an image of the opposite—pretending they love the kids and pets more than anyone else. Image or no image, they cannot tolerate the truth that contradicts their corruptness.

So corrupters put a twist on realities to make them less correct. No matter what the realities are, they need to be disconnected from the objective realities that create truth, because all elements of truth are inter-related. A little truth here and a little there, and pretty soon, truth becomes a real force.

As usual, science is where the truth gets most definitive and relevant. So science is where the twisting of realities has become most preposterous.

A simple example is the claim that Yellowstone is a super volcano. There is no lava anywhere near Yellowstone. A super volcano without lava is like an ocean without water. Obviously, Yellowstone is an asteroid strike, not a super volcano.

Another example is a planet that exploded creating the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists have known for hundreds of years that a planet exploding created the asteroid belt. So a few years ago, scientists changed the story and said, there was no planet that exploded; instead the asteroid belt was created by the gravity of Jupiter. Jupiter's gravity is not going to cause rocks 15 million miles away to orbit the sun. Credibility was totally ignored in the attempt to destroy the obvious truth.

A more complex example is ATP synthesis. Over a hundred years, biochemists worked out the complexities of the respiratory chain system. Then a few years ago, biophysicists changed everything about the subject including having kinetic energy transform into the chemical energy of ATP. Kinetic energy can never be transformed into chemical energy, because kinetic energy is in the motion of nuclei, while chemical energy is in the motion of electrons. Only light can transform into chemical energy, because light waves can act upon electrons.

Superficially, it would seem totally unnecessary for power mongers to be corrupting science so whimsically. But it shows how significantly power mongers are dependent upon false realities to protect their methods and history of defying truth to portray corruption as something of value.

The social level is where fake technology is based on the fake physics. What one molecule in 2,500 does rounds to zero outside cellular toxic effects. So trapping heat is thrown in to amplify the zero into something. Transparent gases do not trap heat, which is why the atmosphere cools 20 degrees or more on clear nights.

The media is where power mongers strip realities of correct meaning to railroad the public into accepting their incompetence and corruption as something of value. Instead of explaining and clarifying, realities are twisted away from objective reality. Towards what? Towards anything including absence of meaning or explanations, because truth would increase through the interactions of objective realities.

In the media, the public is told transmission lines might need to be increased by a significant percentage (less than doubling) to electrify transportation. The lines would actually need to be increased by about 6,000 times as much as presently exists to replace fossil fuels with electricity while electrifying transportation.

That's if "renewable" meant unlimited supply. But the renewables have run aground before getting started, because wind and solar energy are so dilute that ungodly amounts of machinery are needed to concentrate the energy. There aren't enough metals on planet Earth to electrify the transportation system.

Fake science and technology are promoted by incompetent power mongers as a method of stripping truth and rationality out of the social order. Extreme expense and nonfunctional technology allow incompetent power mongers to dominate society through fraud.

The reason for rational persons opposing criminality through laws is because criminality puts incompetent corrupters in control of our lives. Yet corrupters promote a counter-ethic which says rationality is for fools, because humans must not be restricted to imposed limitations. Whim flowing from the motives of incompetent power mongers is supposedly the answer to everything.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose in life is to be a winner and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims. Being a winner is perpetrating fraud to monger power.

So Reaganites stripped laws from government as so-called deregulation saying laws force them to fight their wars with one hand tied behind their backs. What they missed is that life is not supposed to be a war against enemies; it's supposed to be solving human problems through constructivity.

External Article On Windmill Expense

Yellowstone Fraud

Quotes On Greenhouse Fakery

Renewable Energy Fraud

ATP Synthesis Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
The March To Fascism
Radiative Transfer Equations
Quotes On Greenhouse Fraud
Other Factors Heat The Planet
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Helicopter On Mars Fraud
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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