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Moral Philosophy  331

Corruption As Shift In Purpose


November 30, 2023

The universe defines life and solutions to problems. That's a real large effect to ignore. Yet corrupters ignore and defy the universe in promoting corruption.

Everything humans do is supposed to be aligned upon solving problems to sustain life, which includes the described purposes of government and social structures. It is therefore no minor aberration to ignore and defy the purpose of solving problems to sustain life. Yet corrupters live by and promote the purpose of defying the universe in making themselves winners by prevailing against other persons through domination.

To make themselves winners by dominating other persons directs the purpose of corruptors onto themselves, their self-importance and the related subjective realities.

People have a right to expect objective reality in the public domain. Objective means that which originates outside one's own mind. Everything out there is defined by the laws of the universe. So objective becomes the equivalent of alignment upon laws of the universe.

So it is no small insult to human existence when corrupters focus upon themselves and the subjective realities that promote their domination. Yet corrupters assume they are the only true followers of the correct path in life, as they make a mockery of objective realities and the purpose of solving human problems.

Corrupters use trite slogans to convince themselves that their corruptions are virtues, such as being a winner as the purpose in life. To be a winner is to dominate. To dominate requires degradation to create human problems rather than solve them.

Yet corrupters can never get by with defying the assumed need to be solving problems; so they lie about it. Lying requires trite slogans to replace evaluation, because fraud never evaluates properly. So corrupters emit nonsensical quips about their noble purposes with no explanation of how they are going to defy the laws of the universe to accomplish their absurdities, such as lowering taxes and reducing deficits, while they bankrupt everything they touch.

It almost goes unnoticed that conservatives talk of nothing but themselves, as if government were a personality contest. Persons are supposed to disappear in producing rationality as the solution to problems, because alignment upon the laws of the universe produces the same result for everyone. Why isn't the self-centeredness of conservatives closer to criminality than the reason to put them in control of our lives?

Corruption is a shift in relevance from the universe defining life to corrupters being the mysterious source of all that is right. In pretending away the laws of the universe, everything corrupters do must come out of a black hole instead of laws of the universe. Corrupters assume the black hole of their wizardry is superior to the complex laws that nature produced. Absence must be superior to complexities and fantasy must be superior to limitations, as if five thousand years of evolved human knowledge were in error and must be replaced with a void of realities.

Corrupters are obsessive molesters, because dominating requires degradation as personal attack for prevailing. Is that a proper way to run the government, or corporations or science? Corrupters do nothing other than that, as they take over the social structures and convert them to power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense.

Personal attack is the only tool corrupters have. They took over the social structures by lying about constructive persons as a pretext for shoving them out. The stated plan for a next Trump Administration is to create a mechanism for stripping governmental employees of job protections, so top level employees can be sidelined or shoved out. The purpose is to create a form of government that does nothing but enhance the power of the dictator.

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