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Against Objective Reality

August 21, 2023

Conservatives are showing a consistent pattern of trying to replace objective reality with warped values. Of course, they have no concept of what those words would mean, which is why they can corrupt the subject so blithely with no concern for the consequences.

Strangely, the bliss of ignorance includes total self-righteousness. That means the promoters of the ignorance fight to the death for their stupidity.

So there must be a more definitive philosophical explanation of the nature of the problem. It begins with clarification of what objective reality is.

Objective reality is reality that originates outside one's own mind. It can include reality which originates in another person's mind. Subjective reality is reality that originates in one's own mind.

The term originate is important. Humans can convey what they do not originate. Rationality does that. It is the process of relating to the objective reality of the universe which defines life and solutions to problems.

Then objective reality has different sources and degrees of reliability. The only objective reality of value must be aligned upon the unified reality which originates with the universe. Realities in conflict with that unified reality are destructive and weak.

Values are subjective. They originate in a person's mind. They will always be highly varied. It's not appropriate to impose values or any other form of subjective realities upon other persons, because there is no way to define correct values or other subjective realities.

Yet conservatives want to impose their values upon everyone else and use that standard as the test of rightness. They assume rightness is what flows out of themselves and that anything in conflict with their values, motives or purposes is corruption.

The definition of corruption is, that which destroys life. Imposing subjective realities and values destroys life, because other persons have good reasons to have other subjective realities and values, particularly different than the imposed realities and values that are corrupt.

In other words conservatives promote themselves, as they take over the social structures and government. The reason why that's corruption is at least because of the absence of the objective reality which is needed for sustaining life and solving problems. And then secondarily because the persons who do that are corrupt and ignorant and do not have proper subjective realities and values. The most identifiable corruption of such persons is their promotion of white racism.

That means, along with the subjectivity and promotion of themselves, corrupters are perpetrating endless additional corruptions, such as a war against the lower classes. Why? Because the lower classes have different values and purposes. Most significantly, the lower classes need to solve problems, which places demands upon other persons, while corrupters despise any demands being place upon themselves.

The most definitive characteristic of corrupters, which is being shown by conservatives, is their attempt to strip ordered existence out of society. That means stripping laws out of government and using social structures as power structures for personal gain at everyone else's expense.

With those characteristics of corrupters, promoting themselves and related values is the ruination of man. Ultimately, it takes the form of Nazism as the most extreme degree of socialized corruption that humans can produce, as they destroy themselves. The next step down is fascism, which characterizes the state that conservatives have been producing—most visibly with Trump controlling them but with the process running back to Reaganism.

When Reagan said government is the problem, he meant the laws of government are the problem, while government is used for personal power. When he said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser, he assumed the purpose of life is to be a winner and rationality is for fools. Rationality means explaining claims.

Corrupters monger power to be winners. That means putting themselves above others to dominate. To get above others, they fake their worth. That becomes impossible when demands are placed upon them. So they try to strip away all demands upon themselves to be fake winners, while promoting themselves as a bag of values imposed upon everyone.

Reducing the bureaucracies to nonfunctionality was one of the purposes of Reaganism and Trumpism. Firing bureaucrats with experience and knowledge was openly promoted by the Trump Administration even though against established laws. Criminal methods of defying those laws were promoted. Then the size of bureaucratic staff was reduced to nonfunctionality preventing their work from getting done, while funding was gutted through pretexts.

One of the results was the CDC screwing up everything that could be screwed up during the pandemic. First, they ignored the spreading, when a cruise ship unloaded an infected bunch, saying they (the CDC) didn't know it was their responsibility. Center For Disease Control didn't mean disease control to them.

Then the CDC prevented about two hundred research laboratories from testing for the disease, as if researches could not produce reliable enough results, while the CDC sent out nonfunctional test kits; so several months went by with no testing to follow the disease.

As the pandemic spread, the CDC refused to make critical information available to decision makers claiming it needed to be studied more thoroughly first. Some of the information processing was transferred to unqualified offices making it useless.

Two years earlier, the Trump Administration dismantled complex equipment for manufacturing specialized masks; so highly effective masks were usually not available during the first year of the pandemic.

The purpose of Trump and his fascists is to create a totalitarian dictatorship through criminal contempt for the laws designed to protect democracy. Conservatives say the law-breaking is nothing but a political dispute and should not be criminalized. Investigators and grand juries using laws to protect democracy from totalitarianism is said by conservatives to be the real criminality.

What Trump fascists and Reaganites show is that the driving force of corrupters is to strip ordered existence from society, so they can take over everyone's lives and rule with no demands getting in their way.

Conservatives assume objective reality is a liberal scheme that needs to be exterminated. An example is "equality for all." Conservatives do not assume there should be any such concept. They assume the worthies should be controllers and unworthies should be harassed and degraded, such as degrading Senator McCain for being a loser due to torture in North Vietnam.

Why then is equality for all an objective reality? Because the laws of the universe require it for sustaining life. Prove it. Conservatives prove it. Through Nazism, they destroy themselves and everyone else.

But corrupters have no ability to determine what equality for all means. They simply know they cannot monger power under such conditions. To rationalize their predicament, they re-translate "equality for all" as "everyone being the same." Equality does not mean similarity. It means uniform standards that are not arbitrarily exploited to take advantage of conditions.

One reason why equality for all is a required standard is because the absence always has the purpose of destroying vulnerable persons. Is it possible to create inequality in a constructive manner? All corruption attempts to create inequality as the ability to dominate.

Affirmative action is assumed by conservatives to be an example of inequality, which was the basis for eradicating the concept by the Supreme Court. Their error was in only fixing the end point to create supposed equality while leaving the starting point in place in creating the entire problem.

Then secondly, the fix was nothing resembling equality, because the methods involved are so arbitrary that there is no mechanical fix to the problem. Administrators have to judge what equality is; and exterminating judgement from the process is a guaranty of inequality.

Why should elitists conditioned for taking staged tests be a better measure of equality than background experiences, purposes and motives? Only correct purposes evaluated through judgement can do such corrections, not the mechanics of fraudulent testing.

Affirmative action laws were created to give administrators the opportunity to improve inequality through evaluation and judgement. Stripping those laws out of the process is another example of conservatives disallowing laws to get in the way of their hijacking the social order for their power mongering purposes.

The Meaning Of Laws

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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