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HOME Science Errors

What Went Wrong

The persons who are telling us what the problems and solutions are (journalists and politicians) are grossly misinterpreting what is happening. They are trying to tweak solutions into place from decades and centuries old economies. They didn't notice that the social structures disintegrated. Ancient solutions don't work without functional social structures.

At first, the disintegration consisted of rational (constructive) persons being shoved out of the social structures by incompetents who converted social structures into power structures. Corrupters need sources of power to impose themselves upon society.

The result was assumed to be an improvement by power mongers who could not compete where there is constructivity. They measured everything in terms of their personal and selfish gains rather than the ability to produce constructive results. So the social structures became nonfunctional exploitations which were not competitive in the global economy.

The nonfunctionality still goes unnoticed because of a substitute purpose. Incompetent power mongers assume they are improving the social order by contriving fantasy purposes which have no relationship to objective reality, such as renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. There is no wrong way to screw things up, which gives corrupters the impression that they have a better way of doing things.

Science errors are of no relevance, when contriving is the purpose. Imagining carbon dioxide to be a threat to mankind has no relationship to the scientific knowledge that evolved over the past 500 years. Yet the fraud is legitimatized by claiming it is based upon superior science which opponents cannot accept.

Each molecule of carbon dioxide being surrounded by 2,500 air molecules is not going to heat anything no matter what else happens. A small amount of something cannot heat a large amount of something. It would be like heating a brick building by heating one brick out of 2,500.

Supposedly, electric vehicles get 100 miles per gallon equivalent or better based upon 96% efficiency for electric motors. No electrical transformation into kinetic energy can get more than 40% efficiency maximum with operating conditions reducing it to 25%.

When adding in all of the factors including up to 90% loss of electrical energy before getting to consumers, electric vehicles get 5-10 mpg equivalent regardless of efficiency.

Why does society spend billions of dollars on science, if brainless persons can look out the window and determine the results? That standard shows how science was replaced by power mongering fraud to put incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.

As power mongers take over the social order, power becomes the test of worth, and rationality is degraded as a corruption. Science gets replaced by fakery, because truth exposes corruption. Social purposes shift from constructivity to exploitation, which causes the economy to shift from workers to the 1%ers.

Why Renewable Energy Won't Work

Why Electric Vehicles Will Never be used on a Large Scale

How Power Mongering Works



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