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Looking Out The Window

Nonscientists say they can look out the window and see that humans cause global warming. Why don't they look out the window in the wintertime?

Alarmists insult rational minds in attributing every observable affect in climate to carbon dioxide. Rational people find infinite complexity to natural effects. They look for real causes. To flush all that complexity down the drain is threatening to rational human existence.

Fakes instilled the notion in the minds of the public that nothing has ever changed and now carbon dioxide is destroying the planet. Nothing has ever been stable in the Earth's climate, because the factors involved are extremely dynamic.

Carbon Dioxide Graph

As scientists have been saying, the drought in California is not caused by greenhouse gases, because such an effect could not cause a high pressure to park over an area while flooding occurs elsewhere. Droughts are caused by high pressure zones parked in one place. There is no concept of so-called greenhouse gases influencing high pressure zones or causing them to park in one place. Carbon dioxide is approximately uniform in the atmosphere and cannot produce a different effect in a small area. Yet fakes pretend that carbon dioxide causing the California drought is a given.

Arctic ice was melting more than a century ago, as Amundsen attempted to chart a "Northwest Passage" in 1903 to 1906. Before he could complete the project, the ice froze back over. No one claims there was a greenhouse effect warming the planet at that time.

The "iceman" was covered with ice in the Alps 5,300 years ago. Ice was gone in the Alps where the iceman died (being shot in the back with an arrow). Then, ice covered him back up 5,300 years ago, until the ice thawed again in 1991. Ice comes and goes on mountains with no explainable causes. Scientists do not know why glaciers increase and decrease on mountains.

In recent times, there was a "medieval warm period" followed by a "little ice age". Temperatures are expected to increase at this time following the little ice age. Those cycles are caused by variations in solar intensity.

Water vapor is said to be 100 times stronger of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. How do you know it isn't dirty water vapor creating droughts and floods instead of carbon dioxide?

Recent ice ages have been occurring every 100 thousand years, which is such a short amount of time that continuous variation in climate is caused by that factor along with many others.

As ice ages take form, ocean water evaporates and comes down as snow on the ice sheets. The result is oceans being drained. They drop about 400 feet during an ice age. As warm-up occurs, the melting ice fills the oceans back up to the present level. Ocean temperatures increase and decrease by 6°C due to ice ages.

Both the atmosphere and the oceans warm back up between ice ages. The warm-up occurs for about 12 thousand years, and then the next ice age begins. Oceans warm continually by trapping solar energy, and only an ice age cools the oceans back down.

The next ice age is due to occur any time. Statistically, it could have occurred already. It looks like it will begin in the next 50 to 200 years. The oceans have to get warm enough to cause more snow to fall than can melt during the summers—that is, in Canada. It almost occurred a few years ago, but luckily, the snow in Canada melted.

Scientists do not know what causes ice ages to occur. Theory is drifting toward Milankovich Cycles (variations in the Earth's angle of rotation) being the cause of ice ages. It's not Milankovich Cycles; they are too complex, varied and overlapping.

It looks like the cause of ice ages is a water clock in the Pacific Ocean. Oceans heat up continually until an ice age cools them back down, because solar energy gets trapped in the oceans and does not easily come back out. As the oceans warm up, the sea level rises causing warm water to flow over the Bering Strait melting Arctic ice. The warm Arctic water causes a lot of snow to fall in Canada. If the Canadian snow does not melt during the summer, it reflects away solar radiation triggering the next ice age. See if you can see it by looking out the window.

Fake scientists have ignorant dupes promote their frauds, so they can keep their own hands clean in promoting scientific absurdities. Persons who know nothing about a complex subject are not supposed to be forcing their ignorance onto us, when they are incapable of explaining their claims or responding to criticisms. Real science can be explained by real scientists.


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