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What Winning Does

December 25, 2020

No one could miss the fact that Trump is an incompetent liar; yet four years of observing that result gave him more votes than the first time. Why? Because that's what winning does.

Trump runs on being a winner, which is why he can't accept being a loser. To be a winner is to be put on a pedestal. Winners don't create their own pedestal, because incompetence and destructivity is what creates winners.

What it means is that Trump's followers aren't really voting for Trump per se; they are voting for the mechanism that made him a winner. When he is a loser, that mechanism isn't working.

Trump assumes that the mechanism that made him a winner was the promotion of corruption, since that is the only thing he has ever done. He says domination is the requirement. Domination is the starting point of all corruption.

So Trump's followers assume he had the winning formula for making sin pay; and they wanted to learn that formula from him. They wanted to emulate him to be winners.

Winning takes care of everything. It turns corruption into success. It's the way out for incompetent corrupters. They can't succeed at rationality, so they try to be winners through a formula that does not require rationality. They assume Trump knows what that formula is.

Rationality isn't winning or losing; it's solving problems.

A lot of persons make money teaching people how to make money. They are aspirational promoters. Following winners is aspirational—trying to be a winner by following a winner.

In all of that is the absence of constructivity based on rationality. Winning is a substitute for constructivity based on rationality. In government, winning without constructivity based on rationality is the disassembling of laws and methods of producing laws, which is totalitarian fascism.


Origins Of Totalitarianism

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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