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Origins Of Totalitarianism


With complex realities missing from the awareness of corrupters, forces are promoted (such as domination) instead of realities.


August - November, 2020

Incompetent corrupters are extremely reductionistic. They can't handle complexities. In eliminating complexities, they reduce democratic governments to totalitarian dictatorships. They prefer dictatorships based on the assumption that the complexities of real government are products of fools who don't know what they are doing. They project their own stupidity onto rational persons.

Trump attempted to create a totalitarian state by eliminating real government and its laws and replacing them with his whimsical criminality.

An example is him redefining what legal votes are saying that mail-in ballots are not legal, so he won the election when eliminating mail-in ballots. All legislatures and courts defined the law otherwise. They say mail-in ballots are legal.

Trump tried to negate the law created by legislatures and courts and replace the law with his whims in attempting to hijack the election. Negating laws determined by legislatures and courts and replacing them with his whim is totalitarianism.

It's important to notice that the underlying premise of mindless corrupters such as Trump is that the whims of their own motives should prevail with no properly developed laws standing in the way. Laws and courts are only to be used to promote the subjective whims of corrupters, not the good of all. The good of all is the despised alternative to subjective domination by corrupters.

The good of all is the purpose of ordered existence. Replacing the good of all with subjective whim of corrupters requires replacing ordered existence with dictatorships.

Conservatives assume that a government of laws is an aberration for fools which should be replaced by a totalitarian dictatorship which operates by the whim of irrational incompetents. Their promotion of Trump's criminality after four years of dismantling a democratic government shows that result.

The affinity of conservatives for lawlessness in government was shown by their claiming the impeachment of Trump based on defiance of campaign laws was nothing but a life-style dispute. Mocking laws, which never ceased in the Trump administration, is nothing but a life-style to conservatives.

Not only campaign laws were mocked but judicial decisions from every court were mocked—so much so that a judge spelled out the requirement that the Trump administration must post of a notice on a web site that the DACA-dreamer process is to be continued, as other courts had been requiring with futility.

Trump originates nothing. Conservatives feed their agenda, which they have been working on for decades, into his administration and Trump imposes it in a more obnoxious way than other conservatives have been doing. Trump carries the results farther but also exposes the criminality more visibly than usual.

What Totalitarianism Is

Totalitarianism is the imposition of unmeetable demands due to nonfunctional mental processes. That problem is not uncommon; but when applied to a country there are no boundaries limiting the result.

Nonfunctionality requires reductionism. Rationality is replaced with slogans to a point of meaninglessness. Complexities must be replaced with homogeneousness to prevent interacting realities from generating truth.

Independent activities are not allowed. They create complexities which run interference with the whims of totalitarians. With nobody functioning independently, worship of the ruler is the sole principle of governing.

Worship of the ruler is the only principle of government Trump has demonstrated. He fired dozens of staff and administrators for not promoting his wishes thoroughly enough, while his wishes were aligned upon increasing his power including getting elected again. Using the government for that purpose got him impeached; but there was no let up in the law-breaking.

Of course, there must be motives driving destructive results or a more constructive outlet would be found. Corrupters are driven to prevail by dominating. Failure to succeed at the impossibility generates the force in the attempt. The need to win results from losing. Losers trying to be winners chart the paths of corruption at micro or macro levels.

The basic, philosophical definition of totalitarianism is the state demanded by authoritarian rulers who do not allow opposition to their whims.

Totalitarians require ultra simplicity, because they can't handle complexities. If simplicity isn't total, it isn't simplicity.

Normal persons are in a panic over the trashing of every element of constitutional democracy by Trump and his sycophants. Conservatives assume the concern is nothing but a life-style dispute. That's like comparing a car wreck to chewing bubble gum. If corruption is a life-style, it is no less threatening.

The difference is visible at the level of social criticism. Normalcy is a concern for corruptions such as a lack of respect for laws. To counter criticism, conservatives look for any example of imperfection in liberals, such as students needing safe space. Trivia is used to justify extreme corruption. To see no difference in such extremes is nonfunctional evaluation.

Corrupters are aware of about ten percent of their corruption being wrong while assuming the other ninety percent is virtue. They are unconcerned about the difference between wrong and right, because they feel invincible due to the power they generate through corruption.

Invincibility is a prerequisite for trashing established laws. Laws are largely designed to protect persons and social structures from corruption. To assume that no such protection is needed is an unrealistic expectation of invincibility.

With no realistic rationality or respect for laws, all that is left for social influence is arbitrary whim. To some extent, it is the reverse logic that corrupts. With an expectation of arbitrary whim taking care of everything, there is no need for rationality or respect for laws.

Breaking laws requires a degree of cold-bloodedness, as vulnerable persons are harmed by lawlessness. Totalitarians attack vulnerable persons as a justification and domination mechanism.

Soft On Totalitarianism

There is a surprising degree of acceptance of totalitarianism in society. Philosophically, the affinity is easy to describe in hypothetical terms: Persons disconnected from reality prefer disconnect from reality. Totalitarians create the only alternative that disconnects from reality, which is subjective arbitration of everything.

But to see it actually happen is absurd. Why would people want to destroy themselves, their environment, their social structures and technology? Of course they wouldn't. They don't know that that is what they are doing. They assume everything comes out of nowhere; so the nowhere rulers become the source of everything.

In other words, values translate into source for such persons. It's as if the persons who like icecream are the ones who create icecream. Not knowing a thing about processes and materials, the assumption is that everything can be wished into existence. The totalitarians are the ones who wish everything into existence.

Wishing everything into existence requires a destruction of the rationality that gets in the way. So the wishers fight a war against rationality as their method of accomplishing their results.

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Why Not Totalitarian Fascism



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