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Why Not Totalitarian Fascism


May 30, 2021

Why not promote totalitarian fascism? Conservatives have been aligning upon the totalitarian fascism that Trump started and carrying it farther with recent variations of Jim Crow laws. They pretend that there is a virtue and necessity to it.

One of the main problems in criticizing corruption is not that it is occurring but whether it should be occurring. Corrupters hardly conceal the absurdities they promote, but they assume an underlying necessity and virtue which justifies the lies and misrepresentations.

So criticism needs to go beyond whether corruption is occurring to whether it should be occurring. The should or why of corruption almost never gets evaluated, while it is the justification in the minds of corrupters.

Totalitarian fascists believe in totalitarian fascism. So here is why it should not exist.

The number one purpose of all corrupters is to destroy enemies. We are their enemies. Everyone who is not a totalitarian fascists promoting their purposes is an enemy to be destroyed.

They lie about us—accuse us of things we don't do and have no possibility of doing—to justify our being destroyed. The lies have no purpose in being true; they have the only purpose of justifying the result.

The difference between being true and justifying the result is that nothing is perfect. It's supposedly ok to be wrong when perfecting the social order through totalitarian fascism. Errors cannot be quibbled, when such an important task is being promoted.

Everything corrupters do is of that nature. They don't quibble over being wrong while oppressing and destroying. They have a right to be wrong, and we don't have a right to escape their destructivity.

Why totalitarian fascism instead of open and accountable democracy is the real question. The simple answer is that corrupters cannot live with open and accountable truth about their purposes.

Totalitarian fascism is a stage of progression along the path of corrupters achieving their purposes. Their purposes are only evaluated in immediate terms without a concept of end results.

The immediate results of corrupters which determine the end result is that they need to be destroying everything and everyone that creates an obstacle to their arbitrating existence in terms of their betterment through criminal standards of corruption. They can never get there without destroying themselves doing so, but they don't know it.

Between the starting point and end point is every form of perversion and criminality that corrupters can produce. Criminality is their ticket to success. If it is important enough to legislate against, it is important enough to propel destroyers along their path, because getting to their endpoint means destroying everything that presently exists.

Flat earth is the essential property of corrupters achieving their purposes. Anything more than that is an obstacle to their purposes. On flat earth, nothing can exist but corrupters arbitrating.


The March To Fascism

Origins Of Totalitarianism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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