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What Problem Solving Is

May 18, 2021

Humans need to solve problems because of the extremely complex and demanding state of the evolution of recent biology.

All species are on the verge of becoming extinct due to extreme differentiation. Differentiation means creation of new forms. The degree of differentiation increases over time through evolution. That means complexity increases. As differentiation increases, interdependent relationships between components increases. The increase in interdependence disallows change. Yet evolution keeps producing change as improvements in structures and functions. As change occurs, something which was depending upon something loses what it was depending upon.

That problem increases over time as species become more complex. The degree of complexity and specialization has become so extreme that any change evolution produces has detrimental effects.

Early evolution was vastly different due to simplicity and rudimentary structures and functions. Under those conditions, a lot of change could occur quite easily. An example is the clamp connection in molds. Molds evolved many of their characteristics between 300 and 200 million years ago. Evolutionary change was so whimsical that endless clamp connections evolved. Clamp connections are tubes that grow around cross-walls in the mycelium. Sometimes, things would happen in those tubes; and sometimes something would move through the tube. Since then, those tubes are no longer used. If something needs to go through a cross-wall, an opening exists for that. Yet some of those clamp connections still exist, mostly as nonfunctional results of early evolution.

Now days, nothing so whimsical can evolve as the clamp connections, because interdependent relationships are extremely demanding which requires high efficiency. Humans acquired such extremely demanding relationships due to extremely complex biology.

So humans developed complex social processes for coping with the demanding requirements that evolution and biology created. Meeting the requirements requires problems to be solved. The requirements are quite demanding due to the complexities and competition between organisms.

The result is that humans are constantly challenged to solve problems due to the complexities of biology and evolution. Other species get whatever evolution produces, while humans added evaluation and its product as rationality to the solution to their problems.

The process of solving problems creates a relationship to objective reality. Problems don't get solved disconnected from objective reality. There are numerous consequences.

Corruption shows the difference between solving problems through a rational relationship to objective reality and creating problems through a conflict with objective reality. The end result isn't the only difference. The method of getting results is vastly different between problem-solving constructivity and problem-creating destructivity.

To solve problems, realities have to be aligned upon the laws of the universe. The laws are all inter-related; so the unified reality of the universe has to be aligned upon. That requires a lot of study to determine what the laws of the universe are and how to align upon them. It also requires strict standards to prevent arbitrary deviations from disrupting the process.

One of the consequences of humans solving problems is that relevance and significance are determined by the demands created by the universe. Persons who create problems instead of solving them cannot get relevance and significance determined properly. Corruption is getting those subjects wrong.

Making sin pay is based on the assumption that something can be gained in harming other persons. That's getting a lot wrong. But even trying to solve problems will be futility if relevance and significance are not aligned upon the unified reality created by the laws of the universe. So the corollary is that aligning upon the unified reality of the universe corrects the questions of relevance and significance. That which solves problems aligns relevance and significance upon the unified realities of the laws of the universe.

The consequence is that aligning upon the universe to solve problems straightens out the way minds work, so they work properly in relating to human problems which have arbitrary origins. The exploiters and destroyers have no ability to relate to other persons constructively, because their minds don't function properly for solving problems.

Unified reality is needed for constructivity. Corruption creates dissociated reality, which means realities are broken into separate and conflicting pieces. To get reality unified requires strict standards in making proper relationships between realities, which is rationality. Whether the attempt should be made requires relevance and significance being aligned upon the purpose.

Determining what to do and how to do it is getting relevance and significance aligned properly. A lot of evaluation is needed to make the determinations. Corrupters despise the whole concept assuming it is a waste of time for fools, since they can become winners by destroying, ripping off, exploiting and dominating other persons.

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