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What Winning Is

May 16, 2021

1. Winning is a form of reductionism, because it is something that occurs for a few seconds. Corrupters cannot extend their awareness for more than a few seconds; so long term results escape their awareness.

2. Winning is a method of measurement. Corrupters measure themselves as winners.

3. Winning is a form of domination, as it puts corrupters above their opponents. Corrupters feel superior to opponents when winning.

4. Winning is measured relative to opponents. It is a position over someone else.

5. Winning is not an objective reality. Corruption is used as the methodology for winning, which means conflict with the rest of the universe—a form of destructivity.

6. Winning is a substitute for rationality. Corrupters resort to winning, because rationality exposes them as incompetent and corrupt.

The purpose of winning is for corrupters to put themselves above others. Since they have no ability to lift themselves up, they win by tearing others down. Name calling is one of the simplest examples of how that is done.



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