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The inadequacies of corrupters focusses their attention on themselves. They are highly concerned about how to solve their problems due an inability to solve their problems. Their failures overwhelm them preventing their concerns from extending beyond their own problems. Which is why Trump cannot do anything in government beyond promote himself.

(What Trump shows is that totalitarianism is not a philosophical concept. Totalitarians couldn't evaluate the philosophy of chewing bubble gum. It's a self-justification mechanism.)

Focussing on themselves cuts corrupters off from the rest of the world. But there is also a motive to disconnect from the rest of the world: Objective reality exposes their corruptness. Corrupters are relentlessly trying to divert attention away from or negate that which condemns them. That state has long been referred to as "living in a bubble."

Another manifestation of that problem is intolerance. There are some things that should be tolerated and some things that shouldn't. Intolerant persons tolerate nothing outside their own interests, because everything beyond their own interests is directly or indirectly a threat.

Things that should not be a concern to corrupters are a threat to them, the reason being that their own state is a conflict with everything outside their own bubble. Therefore, anything other than promoting themselves is in conflict with themselves. Attacking that conflict is intolerance.

You might think corrupters could ignore some conflicts. They don't, because there is not a lot happening inside their bubble and not much they can do to promote their concerns. So they ignore nothing that they can respond to.

Jealousy is another manifestation of that problem. Jealousy is feeling threatened by the betterment of others. There should be no relationship between the interests of someone else and their own interests. But the connection is made due to the need to measure their success in a relative manner rather than an independent manner.

In other words, corrupters cannot measure success in objective terms, because they have no relationship to objective reality. So their success is measured in terms of being better off than others. Being superior means they can impose their version of reality onto others in solving their problems.

But corrupters are too incompetent at building themselves up, so they can only tear others down as their method of creating superiority. Any sign of life in others means they fail at stomping others below themselves, which is jealousy.

Such persons are ultra-reductionistic, because they can't handle complexities. The basis of racism is an inability to cope with complexities. They want existence to be simplified to every extent possible, which requires no one to be different than themselves.

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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