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What Democracy Does

December 27, 2020

Democracy prevents totalitarians from hijacking the social order. Power mongers are driven by the impossibility of succeeding in solving their problems by dominating everyone else. Being driven creates open ended attempts to control all power. Giving some power to the public defeats their purpose.

There is a process to mongering power. It's open ended. If it had limits, it would fail. Limits allow objective reality to exist, while the interactions of realities cause truth to increase. Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

Therefore, power mongers are absolutists. They must stomp out all opposition. That includes three branches of government. There can only be one branch of government where power mongers prevail.

It also means removing objective reality from the process. Objective reality is owned by no one. The universe is the source of objective reality. Humans must use rationality to relate to objective reality. Subjectivity conflicts with the process.

To strip objective reality from government, power mongers maximize subjectivity. First and foremost, they make government about themselves rather than the good of everyone. All must be sacrificed for the good of totalitarians.

That's why democracy must include standards and mechanisms which promote the good of everyone. A "bill of rights" is needed in addition to voting. Rights direct purposes toward the good of the public, where totalitarians try to direct all of government toward their own personal benefit.

It isn't greed that redirects government toward totalitarians, as greed would leave too many openings for the benefit of others. All purposes must be redirected toward the personal benefit of totalitarians with no exceptions. Otherwise, conflicting purposes would run interference with the purpose of absolutizing power.

The process of absolutizing power can never be complete; so totalitarians must start with a sphere of influence around themselves which they harden for durability. Then they extend the influence outward with various degrees of success.

That attempt is broken up by complex processes which involve other influences than power mongers. Diversity does wonders for breaking up the sphere of influence of power mongers. Diversity is attacked to every extent possible by power mongers because of the inability to manage the resulting complexities.

Homogeneity is the first requirement and guiding principle of mongering power. Anything other than homogeneity is an influence outside the control of one person which power mongers cannot tolerate.

Purity is a central theme of power mongers for that reason. Purity means obliterating any influences other than their own. Purity is the concept that power mongers use for homogeneity being less abstract and easier for them to understand. Power mongers are purifiers. They leave no imperfection unobliterated.

Democracy includes diversity as a method of breaking down the power of totalitarians. But diversity must include all and everyone, otherwise, the select and privileged persons would be promoting the homogeneity required by power mongers.

Small countries have difficulty maintaining democracy, because the lack of diversity does not prevent power mongers from overwhelming the process.


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