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The Trivialization Of Corruption

January 10, 2021

No matter how criminal Trump and sycophants get, rationalizers trivialize it claiming opponents are on a witch hunt or the result is a life style dispute. It shows that there is a belief system behind corruption.

Corruption is not an alternative method of doing things; it is a method of removing all alternatives. There isn't a method of anything that can be sustained where there is corruption. Corruption is universally corruption. It is the nonfunctionality of everything.

The simple reason is that complexities can only be sustained through unified reality which has requirements for staying unified. Nothing else is stable.

Therefore, there are two points which must be understood. One is, prove it. Who says there is no such thing as sustainable corruption? The other point is, what are corrupters trying to achieve as their desired result.

An analogy for the proof creates a perspective. Take a wine glass. How many configurations will sustain the wine glass? Anything other than its original form is a destruction of the wine glass. There isn't a method of breaking it and still having a wine glass. Rationalizers might say you could melt the glass and reform it differently, but that would create a different wine glass, not a different form of the original one.

Reconstructing a different unified reality is beyond preposterous, first, because a different universe would be required, and secondly, because it would be even more difficulty to sustain in a reduced state. If corrupters cannot relate constructively to the original universe, they aren't going to meet a more difficult challenge in creating a substitute.

Corruption is a conflict with objective reality, which means the universe of unified reality. The conflict stems from a lack of standards. No one can completely be corrupt in defying everything about existence. So corrupters have variable relationships to the universe, and hypocrisy is an inseparable part of corruption.

More of a pragmatic concern, what are corrupters trying to achieve? They want no one to defy them. If they wanted no one to defy the universe, they would be normal; but they want no one to defy themselves. So they put themselves in place of the universe and the determining influence over existence.

There is not a philosophy to corruption. Corrupters are too mindless to produce a significant analysis of anything. They just lash out at anything that gets in their way. In doing that, they demand total acceptance of anything they whimsically do. The end result is a destruction of everything, but they don't know it. They don't have a clue as to what their corruption leads to.

It is in fact the cluelessness of corrupters that causes them to assume they can demand allegiance to their whims. But they go way beyond demanding allegiance and claim to have the answers to everything.

Why would the whims of incompetent destroyers be the answer to anything? The reductionistic logic of corrupters is that what is good for themselves is good for everyone. What they assume is good for themselves is to prevail at everything they do. So whimsical destructivity must be the answer to everything.

The problem is, this description looks to much like something on a different planet that applies to no one. But it applies to every corruption in existence. It applies to the subversion of government and the war against the lower classes.

One of the problems corrupters have is that their corruptness is so habitual that they do not see the line between corruption and noncorruption. Something like ninety percent of the corruption that corrupters produce is assumed to be spotless perfection by corrupters. They know that something like ten percent would be viewed as corruption, but they then assume nothing can be perfect and only trouble makers would nit pick about it.

Perhaps the biggest question about corruption is where is the line between corruption and noncorruption. A lot of superficial or presumed imperfection is a superior standard when considering total concerns. In fact, corruption is rationalized that way by assuming that breaking a whole lot of rules is a benefit to everyone. To not break rules is said to be fighting a war with one hand tied behind their backs.

This point gets to the largest, most significant fact about corrupters: The end result or totality of the facts is the primary thing wrong about their corruption. The totality of their corruption is that it is designed to put themselves in power where they have not the slightest ability to function constructively.

Corrupters have never studied the requirements or practiced the standards that would be required for functioning constructively. They are too absorbed in their selfish concerns to find out what constructivity would be in relationship to the universe. No relationship to the universe, no possibility of functioning constructively.

Notice how telling the opposite extreme is to functioning constructively. Trump assumes that only stupid persons are honest, while intelligent persons break rules. He assumes destructivity is a superior standard based upon the three second win that destructivity produces. Winning makes destructivity superior.

Corrupters shift their purpose in life to winning, because they can measure themselves relative to other persons through the instantaneity of winning through destructivity.


Origins Of Totalitarianism

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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