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The Purpose

June 11, 2021

The purpose of corruption is to reduce everyone to a level of being dominated. Corrupters view it as cute. It's where they are at, so it should be an improvement for everyone and should be viewed as a friendly game. A little criminality and murder along the way is no one else's business. It's for the deciders to decide. The dominated aren't the deciders.

That's why corrupters need a totalitarian dictatorship. It's needed as an enforcement mechanism. Does a constitutional democracy reduce everyone to being dominated? Of course not. So it has to be gotten rid of to get there.

The process is viewed as the equivalent of teaching kids. You coax and reward with occasional punishment, all from a position of loving fatherliness. As an improvement, it should be a positive thing. We are supposed to learn to like it and be a contributing part of the process.

If corrupters look more like mad dogs, it's because you have been opposing the process. The go-alongs find it to be another way to party. In fact, the process replaces the grind of work with the enjoyment of partying. It all orients around partying.

Success does that in an environment of corruption. It says corruption is normalcy and not liking it is stupidity. Who could be opposed to partying instead of working?

The line between right and wrong disappears for corrupters. Even where they know something is wrong, such as gross elements of thievery or murder, they assume necessity when aligned upon their superior motives. For some, it might be wrong, but for their purposes, it is tough love. It is the purpose than makes corruption virtue.

Totally beyond the concepts of corrupters is why anyone should be allowed to escape their domination. When domination is a virtue, no one must be allowed to escape being dominated. It's a necessary element of the process. Just as taxes are necessary for running a government, being dominated is necessary for making the only real process that corrupters can conceptualize work.

It isn't that corrupters add up the realities and draw a conclusion—they make no relationships between realities—it's that everything outside their ability to comprehend has to be wasteful, destructive folly by fools. That measn all ordered existence for the lower level corrupters and about half of existence for half as corrupt ones.

With that purpose, domination isn't domination; it's fixing. Persons who are not promoting corruption need fixing—not just for their own good but for the good of everyone.

People don't have a right to run their own lives, because the social order needs fixing until all are dominated.

Why Not Totalitarian Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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