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The Need To Fabricate

July 30, 2021

Fabricating was a mundane problem generally too trivial to discuss, until Trump and followers used it as their primary tool for replacing democracy with fascism. Fabricating never was a trivial problem at the bottom of society, where vulnerable persons were persecuted on the basis of fake reality. Strangely, the whole social order is now in the same position as vulnerable persons at the bottom of society.

So the nature of fabricating needs to be evaluated. The most noticeable thing about fabricating is that the realities are not stable. How could they be when disconnected from the universe which defines objective reality? The fluidity says a lot about the purpose. It says fabricating does not have the purpose of creating functional reality but disconnecting from functional reality.

It shows that corrupters are not disconnected from reality by accident or even stupidity; they need to be disconnected from reality. Reality gets in their way and exposes them for the corrupters that they are. So disconnecting from reality is needed to function corruptly.

That leads straight to the biggest question on the subject: Why do corrupters need to be corrupters? It's because they have themselves convinced that they need to dominate, which is destructive to life. They assume they need to make themselves winners while they are losers.

Normalcy is defined by the universe as constructivity aligned upon the laws of the universe as objective, unified reality. Defying that process and its requirements is how corrupters make themselves winners while being nonfunctional and destructive.

The consequence is then to be nonfunctional and destructive. But winning isn't a process of disappearing out of view to be nonfunctional and destructive; it's being the only thing that exists. Otherwise, the winners are still losers relative to constructivity.

It means a winner has to obliterate all of the alternatives to his winning, which is totalitarianism. Nonfunctional reality is the starting point, the door, to that process. After going through the door of reality being a nonexistent factor to winning, arbitrary whims being imposed upon others is the essence of dominating, and when controlling the social order, totalitarianism.

But this description is a bottom level, loser's type of fabricating. At a more sophisticated level, fake science and technology show how fabricated reality is exploited at the social level. Supposed renewable energy to fix supposed greenhouse gases puts incompetents in control of the science and technology including energy systems.

With fake science and technology, the whole social order is redirected to destructivity attempting to save mankind from ordered existence. The process is redirected behavior which incompetent power mongers can control.

Rationality must be stripped from a subject, before incompetents can control the result, because objective reality exposes them for what they are, while corruption gives them the fluidity they need for evading accountability, since there is no wrong way to screw things up.


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Why Not Totalitarian Fascism

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How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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