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The Force

August 12, 2021

They rely upon the force, because they have nothing without it. The force is used to oppose rationality by incompetent corrupters who have no relationship to reality.

Lying is a weapon used to combat rationality. As a weapon, a lie is a force, not a reality. It is an anti-reality weapon.

Obviously, "the big lie"—Trump's group claiming he won the election—is a force, not a reality. It's an attempt to take over society through force in contempt for realities.

But guess why it is happening. The force grows in society as power mongers push their way into social structures and use them to monger power.

The Trump big lie is only a step down from the larger big lie—that carbon dioxide is destroying the planet and requires "carbon free" electricity. The larger big lie is destroying energy systems and transportation based upon fraudulent science. The realities are nothing; the force is everything, because incompetent corrupters have nothing without the force.

The force replaces reality. That means science is not science based on reality; it's a force based upon what science was supposed to be rather than what it is. It's the same as a stolen election replacing a real election. The power of an election is transposed upon the destroyers of the election, just as the power of science is transposed upon haters of realities in science.

Incompetent corrupters promote a force as an imitation of science, just as conservatives promote a fake election as an imitation of an election.

The force replacing reality puts incompetent corrupters in control of our lives. It's not a stable condition, as there is nothing constructive that the force produces. It must run on the previous work of rational persons.

The Corruptness Of Consensus

Why Not Totalitarian Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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