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Tailored Existence

June 19, 2021

Tailored existence is the opposite of objectivity. Objectivity is a removal of one's own subjective concerns from a subject. Tailored existence is alignment of everything upon one's own subjective concerns.

Corrupters know of no other state than tailored existence, being cut off from objective reality by their corruptness. Since it is the only state they know, they promote it.

Objectivity is obviously a threat to tailored existence in its requirement of keeping subjectivity out of the public domain. Being a threat to tailored existence is supposedly a threat to existence, in the assumptions of corrupters.

To not promote tailored existence is to waste all effort, in the assumptions of corrupters. Why do anything if not for oneself? Corrupters assume self-serving motives are the only reason to exist. Objectivity is not an assumption that one should be self-destructive, as corrupters interpret objectivity; it's that what is good for self cannot be separated from what is good for everyone.

Corrupters make the primary mistake of disconnecting their interests from everyone else's interests. They cannot do otherwise, because they exist in a bubble which has no relationship to the external world. The realities that they are disconnected from can only be viewed as a threat by them, since they are incapable of relating to those realities in a constructive manner.

The primary characteristic of tailored existence is to tack on values for all realities or concerns. In common vernacular, that means putting a spin on everything. One and one is not just two, it is either a good or bad expression depending upon the purpose.

With tailored existence, all concerns are framed with positive or negative connotations. It takes more words to construct connotations, which means there is a tortured description to the material of corrupters. It's tortured reading or, when Trump is imposing his values onto us, it is tortured name-calling.

Conservatives are constantly weaving a tortured view of reality for this reason. Nothing has the meaning it is supposed to have in their claims. The meaning of everything is supposed to be redesigned to fit the conservative agenda, as if the universe got everything wrong and conservatives are doing the fix.

Weaving reality is not providing information. People don't read something to have their head re-arranged. Producing information is supposed to be the purpose of communication. But there is not an information element to tailoring reality around subjective concerns. In fact, information must be avoided to prevent objective reality from contradicting the purpose.

It seems strange that corrupters expect us to listen to what they have to say when their purpose is not to provide information but to re-arrange our heads. If we wanted our heads to be redesigned, we would find reliable sources to do so. Yet corrupters assume we are fair game for imposing their purposes upon us.

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