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Shifting The Purpose Of Life

June 29, 2021

Corrupters try to change the purpose of life from constructivity to domination. Human life requires constructivity to solve problems. Corrupters do not accept that purpose, because it creates demands for rationality aligned upon objective reality which exposes their incompetence and corruptness. So they try to change the purpose to what they are obsessed with, which is domination.

Domination is the starting point of all corruption. It stems from the assumption that if a person could prevail against other persons, it would solve his problems. Prevailing means domination. The method of proceeding is to degrade. The gain is to extract, which is exploitation. For these reasons, philosophers describe corruption as having four components; domination, degradation, exploitation and oppression.

Corrupters promote the standard of corruption, because it places no demands upon intelligence or capabilities. Terrorism is the model system. When corrupters have total freedom over a section of the social order, they use terrorism as their method of expression for social interactions.

Therefore, there is a gradient between constructivity and terrorism. About half way between them is fascism. Nazism was a particular form of fascism that was adapted to the situation in Europe, as rudimentary mobility took form in the development of technology.

What Nazism clarified is the need to have a degraded group of persons as a method of expression. Corrupters design, promote and enforce through examples, not words. Words are exploited by corrupters and have no real meaning. Instead of words, corrupters construct examples of their purposes as expressions which shows standards and mechanism. The destruction of a segment of society was the expression used by Nazis for promoting their purposes based on domination, degradation, exploitation and oppression.

In a similar manner, the racism and war against the lower classes that is visible in the human society at this time is an expression of the standards and mechanism that corrupters use to achieve their purposes align upon domination, degradation, exploitation and oppression. There is not a direct explanation for the racism and war against the lower classes, as those results are used as mechanisms of expression of a purpose.

The absurdity of racism and destroying vulnerable persons is due to no direct benefit in terms of products or material gain but in the expression of purposes. An analogy would be to remove one wheel from every automobile. What would it accomplish? An expression of standards and purposes only. Racism has as much of a purpose as removing one wheel from every automobile as an expression of standards and mechanisms for promoting domination, degradation, exploitation and oppression.

The March To Fascism

Why Not Totalitarian Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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