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The Significance Of lying

March 19, 2024

Lying is the ticket to success for corrupters. That result tells a lot about lying. Why is lying so magical for corrupters? Because it obliterates the rationality process that exposes corrupters for what they are.

That means lying isn't an attempt to convince; it's an attempt to change the methodology. Lies create forces. Forces overwhelming realities requires no competence, only belligerence.

For that reason, corrupters want their opponents to fight with them. Corrupters never lose a fight—that is, when opposing rational persons—because force always blows away rationality. The force of lies is simple and easy to produce, while rationality is complex and requires constructive standards and motives.

But lying isn't always reduced to a blow by blow battle. The same purpose and result exists in complex areas, where modifications of realities break down rationality in not-so-conspicuous ways. That's what happened with fake science and technology. The lies prevailed, because they could be produced by incompetents, where rationality was over their heads on such complex subjects.

Demagoguery works for that reason. Power mongers sell a simplified and quirky version of reality which makes winners out of uninformed persons. So incompetents go rushing to the demagogues to be winners.

No one really believes "on par with coal" and "carbon free." Those slogans create winners through the process of demagoguery.

Doing that for a while creates fascism. As fascists create problems for themselves through corruption, they get more extreme and become Nazis.

Fascism and Nazism are socialized corruptions. That means they permeate the social order and increase through the power of numbers.

Corruption always requires conspiracies, directly or indirectly, because no one can stand up against the universe with defiance. But conspiracies add the psychological security of knowing others are doing the same thing, while the power of numbers is generated for corruption.

Consensus is a form of conspiring. It generates the power of numbers for corruption. If not, its not consensus, because consensus is not the same thing as agreement, it's conspiring to agree upon something that is not true. (Words have multiple meanings; but using consensus as a source of truth is always a corruption.)

Corrupters don't believe a word of such criticism. How could all those persons who agree with them be wrong? The power of consensus tells them consensus must be fact. Power equals truth, knowledge and justice for corrupters.

The result is that consensus generates the power of numbers for corrupters. Isn't that the starting point of lying? Lying is the ticket to success for corrupters; and consensus is the ticket to success for corrupters, because consensus is a method of generating power for lying.

It's characteristic of corrupters to get twists in logic and assume twisted logic is correct logic. For example, if numerous persons produce the same truth, then numerous liars agreeing must be producing truth. Reversing an effect to get to a different end point seems like proof for false realities.

In other words, the agreements of consensus are nothing resembling the common realities of truth. Here's the difference: Truth is alignment upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. People acquire the same realities in aligning upon the laws of the universe. But corruption is a disconnect from objective reality, while agreements align upon falsehoods instead of laws of the universe.

The alignment of corrupters upon consensus is more than obvious, as corrupters consider consensus to be such a virtuous result that they don't hide the methodology. They look for consensus as a justification. That's what fact checking is. It's not an analysis through rationality. Fact checking is diabolically opposed to rationality, because rationality requires explanation of claims, where fact checking comes out of an unaccountable source with a plus or minus, truth or false, conclusion with no explanation of claims.

Fake science and technology overwhelmed the social order by replacing the complexities of science and engineering with the simplicity and demagoguery of consensus. Real scientists who tried to correct the errors were shoved out of the process, if not out of their jobs, for being in conflict with the fraud of consensus. No criticism was allowed, because criticism is opposition to consensus.

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