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The Significance Of Fakery


April 26, 2021

It's easy to prove that a large part of science is wrong; it's impossible to prove that it shouldn't be wrong. That's why scientists don't prove; they just measure. Proof is nothing but accepting the obvious as fact. Persons who do not accept the obvious as fact can't be forced to.

Corrupters monger power instead of producing rationality. Without rationality fakery works better than fact. Fakery makes incompetent power mongers winners; rationality proves them wrong.

What power mongers miss is that winners have nothing to offer anyone. They monger power to make themselves something, while no one else gains anything from it. That makes the winners worthless and noncompetitive.

Fakery does that: it makes incompetents winners but worthless. Incompetent power mongers don't know it. They assume they can get all they want out of life through fakery.

So the question is, what is the result that fakery produces? It produces fraudulent science and worthless technology. It takes a lot of ignorance to assume fraud and worthlessness are going to get anyone anywhere. Incompetent corrupters are that way.

The first fact of fakery is that incompetents are dependent upon exploitation. That means someone else has to be rational and constructive to produce something to exploit. Where are the exploits supposed to come from, when incompetent corrupters shove rational persons out of the social structures? Is someone going to produce something out of fakery? The modern society is too complex to run on fakery, but corrupters don't know it.

Fake science and technology show that fakery creates problems rather than solves them. The focus at this time is how to produce a better battery for electrifying a "carbon free" transportation system. If the incompetents could add and subtract, they would know that there is never going to be enough metals, space or energy to have the slightest effect electrifying the transportation system.

The fakes have made no progress with renewable energy and electric vehicles in ten years, while they pretend that all will break out in two years of so. At one time, that was going to be 2015, then 2018, then 2020 and now 2025. It's no different than the Arctic freezing over by 2000, or everyone running out of food by 2000. Decade after decade, incompetent fakes prove their worthlessness and still expect to solve everyone's problems by turning lead into gold in two years.

The U.S. could be feeding the rest of the world organic food at half the price, but that isn't the result the fakes want. They want to dominate with superior and exclusive technology. So they are trying to defy the laws of science which they know nothing about to do so.

Beef could be fed on alfalfa instead of corn and soybeans, which would require one tenth as many acres. Alfalfa grows wherever grass grows. It normally requires no chemicals. It can use nitrogen from the air. Dairy farmers feed alfalfa, but beef growers don't want to.

Organic vegetables could be grown in all fifty states, where good quality clay replaces the sandy soil of California. Instead, fake greens are trying to build California sand into soil by dumping on sewage which is loaded with every chemical made and heavy metals. They don't know any better, because they got there by exploiting fakery instead of producing real science.

Why Renewable Energy Won't Work

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Growing Organic Beef On Alfalfa

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