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Reductionistic Methods

December 20, 2020

Over-simplification seems to jump out as abnormal as incompetent corrupters take over a complex social order. Complexities cannot be ignored without problems occurring. That's why science and engineering exist.

Yet Trump and his sycophants pretend that over-simplification is a superior standard as the basis for getting rid of the "swamp" or "deep state," which proves to include anyone with more intelligence than they have. Incompetent corrupters try to reduce the demands upon themselves by reducing complexities to inappropriate representations.

Critics who see something wrong in corruption aren't grasping the reductionistic nature of corruption. Demagoguery is a reductionistic process. Complexities do not survive reductionistic processes.

Trump does not have plans and policies because of the ultra reductionistic standard that he operates by. Yet critics will often mention his plans or policies.

The absence of plans or policies is a large part of what makes Trump invincible. There is nothing there to attack, criticize or change.

Theoretically, such persons should be irrelevant, but due to demagoguery, they aren't. To a large extent, it is the ultra simplicity of reductionistic standards that makes demagogues successful.

Stripping plans and policies from claims allows a lot of imagination to be promoted as if it were realistic. But that approach has to be a basic standard. Otherwise, what a person says one place needs to be consistent with what they say elsewhere. With reductionistic standards, nothing conflicts with anything, because all claims are so etheric and hypothetical that they have no meaning. That's the essence of demagoguery.

Demagoguery allows grandiose claims to be promoted with resiliency. Critics cannot expose the frauds for what they are when they have no description with them. It's like a salesman who sells rocks in a package that can never be opened. He can sell a rock as almost anything, as long as no one can see what is in the package.

Notice the obsessive concealment in the Trump administration. No one is allowed to see how the Trump administration is running the government. Data collection by the CDC had to be moved and made nonfunctional so no one could see how bad the pandemic was.

Stripping reality from all claims is reductionism. It creates invincibility. Tragically, it puts demagogues in power due to the uncritical nature of persons who do not understand the subject matter of the claims. Journalists should be filling in the missing realities. Instead, they produce "stenography" as if the claims of demagogues were reality.

That's why Trump claimed to be "the tariff man." Tariff is nothing but a six letter word to a demagogue. No complexities need to be explained. And for that reason, tariffs are supposed to be the magical solution to foreign affairs. Tariffs destroyed the competitiveness of U.S. industries, but journalists are not explaining that subject to persons who don't know what is happening. In fact, journalists often claim Trump improved the economy, which is beyond absurd.

There is no danger of demagogues saying too much and getting in trouble with words, because they withdraw from objective reality and shrink into a bubble of reduced reality. They have no awareness of what the complexities of realities consist of. In fact, they assume that reductionism is a superior standard, since it works so well for them. The real tragedy is that so many persons assume such reductionism is a source of magical solutions and persons who explain are corrupters.

History should show that the claims of demagogues are fraud; but it doesn't happen. Evaluating history is not what the followers of demagogues do, because they buy into the implication that simplicity is superior to explanations.

Trump does almost nothing but Tweet. Tweets are not allowed to be long. They require ultra reductionism. No one in positions of responsibility reduce their methodology to tweeting and nothing beyond that but Trump. Gullible fools buy into that method as being superior to libs explaining problems.

If libs are wrong, they can be criticized because of the number of words they use. Instead of assuming that it is good for people to use a lot of words so they can be criticized and evaluated more honestly, gullible fools look for the invincibility of reductionistic demagogues as having found the superior path to being winners.

Lawyers teach people to clam up, because "the fish that opens it's mouth is the one that gets caught." That standard is how lawyers win cases by hook or crook. It is not the standard that makes a complex social order function properly. Keeping crooks from getting caught is not a social improvement.

The public needs to demand more information, not less. That standard is called accountability. It's what Ralph Nader focusses upon—a lib creating accountability through a lot of words. Lack of accountability might feel nice but only when someone else can be blamed for the problems that corrupt demagogues create.


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