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The Normalcy Of Corruption

70 million persons voted for a totalitarian fascist

November 16, 2020

It seems strange when journalists frame Trump and his results as normalcy. Some journalists have noticed that problem; but they are usually in the opinion section instead of the news section.

Corrupters are always insisting that their appearance be viewed as normalcy; but they are so disgusting that it is strange journalists would go along.

The concern of corrupters is about half belief and half propaganda. Their whole existence is that way. They talk themselves into believing their own propaganda while knowing they are doing a lot of lying. Deteriorated minds slide around through dissociated realities where contexts change from believing in their own self-righteousness to imposing threat to a point of terrorism.

Generally speaking, corrupters know that about ten percent of what they do is plainly corrupt but assume the other ninety percent of their corruption is spotless virtue.

Therefore, what corrupters assume or demand should be of no relevance. The objective reality of their corruption should not be misrepresented as normalcy.

Part of the reason why corruption gets trivialized is because right-from-wrong is totally abstract. Everyone varies in the extent to which they have abstract reality developed in their minds. With not much abstract reality to go by, the depth of corruption gets missed.

At the most superficial level, corruption is viewed as just an oddity. Everyone is expected to have their peculiarities. There are major consequences to ignored corruption.

Nonfunctionality should eliminate corrupters from social responsibilities. Everything Trump does in nonfunctional to an extreme due to incompetence.

Just today, the news is that Trump wants to pull the military out of several countries including Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Somalia. He has tried to do that before. You don't just discontinue military exercises any old time without devastating consequences. Trump doesn't know that. Several administrations have tried to extract the military from those countries in a rational manner and failed to do so.

Trump assumes he just flips a switch off or on. If he were talking about a process, it could be discussed. There is no such thing in his head as a process. He assumes he got elected to promote values and everything else takes care of itself.

Nonfunctionality means failure to meet responsibilities. Does not the President have responsibilities? Corrupters and their rationalizers look to other concerns than meeting responsibilities. In other words, the absence of something doesn't bother them much.

The pandemic puts this subject on the billboards. Trump says, ignore it, it will go away on its own. It didn't go away, and scientists said it wouldn't.

A few peripheral medical doctors took Trump's position; but medical doctors are not scientists. They do not study the depth of science or align upon the purpose of questioning unknowns that science is aligned upon. The healing arts can be extremely complex with their own demands; but the ocean of scientific knowledge is not studied by them. There aren't enough hours in the day to do both.

Presidents are supposed to have advisers who are specialists on every concern. They explain the situation to presidents. Trump doesn't. He considers specialists to be swamp and told his sycophants he was draining the swamp, which he proceeded to do by replacing knowledgeable persons with the most incompetent persons he could find.

Why isn't that standard a threat to democracy and social functionality? Only an absence of abstract understanding of corruption reduces that problem to irrelevance.

Trump's method of doing things is name calling. Persons who have important things to do don't use name calling as their methodology.

Having no clue as to what government is, Trump uses the four trillion dollar per year process for no other purpose than building up his power as a totalitarian ruler. Corrupters want him to do that. They want an invincible ruler who can bowl over the rationality that creates problems for them.

Corrupters don't know what their corruptions lead to. They actually expect the nonfunctionality and destructivity of corruption to solve their problems.

No type of evaluation leads to the conclusion that the destructivity of corruption solves problems. Corrupters draw that conclusion from the psychological conditioning of finding that corruption produces the power of the three-second win. Extending from the desirability of power is the preposterous conclusion that problems are solved through destructivity. Only brainlessness beyond description produces those assumptions.

Why are some journalists so brainless as to go along with that standard?



The March To Fascism

The Failure Of Journalists

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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