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The Role of Pretense In Corruption

November 19, 2020

Trump knows he lost the election, as he has said so; but he keeps up a pretense of winning as a method of rationalizing. Pretending that he won is not credible. A rationalization based on something that is not credible kids no one. What relevance could rationalizing be when not credible? And what is being rationalized?

When rationalizations are not credible, there has to be a hidden motive. Picking out that motive seems important, since so much corruption rides upon incredibility.

Corrupters seem to be saying they have a right to be wrong and being wrong can be a reason for doing something corrupt. It's an argumentative position rather than an informative position. How can anyone argue against the stupidity of a corrupter? It's impossible. So the tactic brushes away opposition.

That mentality is a common part of corruption. Corrupters use fake reality to defy opponents, not to convince. Their purpose is to strip away their vulnerability and replace it with an invincible target that resists attack.

In other words, there is no way to argue with a corrupter regardless of the facts. Making a mockery of facts creates that effect. Mockery facts strip reality from a subject to eliminate opposing arguments.

In doing that, Trump must be rationalizing something that would not stand up to criticism. Nothing he does would stand up to criticism, so he produces mockery reality for everything he does. His sycophants call the pretense "alternative facts." The word alternative says there is something usual about lying that is not normal or acceptable.

Why does Trump's behavior require such obtuse rationalizing after losing an election? A whole string of results are being rolled out in an unjustifiable manner from stripping competent persons out of managerial positions to gutting environmental laws.

Why is obtuse fakery needed to do those things? The incredibility says Trump intends to do things that he cannot justify through real explanations.

The tactic of using incredible realities as a cover is such a standard operating procedure for corrupters that they do not evaluate the reason. They simply start all of their processes in that manner. It's like painting metal. Most metals get routinely painted. Since everything corrupters do is unjustifiable, the activity always starts with incredible realities which cannot be argued against.

Why doesn't the use of such tactics place corrupters off limits for influencing human existence? It never does. There is way too much toleration of corruption everywhere.

It's like pretending that corporations burning tax dollars will stimulate the economy. No one could assume such a claim to be true. The real motive is to get rid of tax dollars so they can't be used for social programs. About once every two years conservatives go through that ritual ever since Reagan started it in 1983.



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