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Political Chronicle

Plastic Gas Tanks 

DeJoy's Post Office Fraud 

Conservative IRS Fraud 

Values And Special Master 

Codification of Law 

July 31, 2022.    Chip Factory Is A Dud

The U.S. is not capable of producing new chip factories. The reasons why factories left are the reasons why they are not going to be replaced. Trump and sycophants opposed everything required for advanced technology; and they were preceded by decades of conservative subversion of advancements in human existence.

The first problem is the education system. Many of the factories that moved out mentioned the inadequacies of the education system. They said they couldn't find qualified workers. The subversion of education applies to all levels including Ph.D. degrees.

First, in underprivileged areas, students are not taught how to read. They are supposed to teach themselves by watching others. The same with mathematics. At the Ph.D. level, fraud is required by basing physics on relativity which reduces standards to a street gangster level. Incompetents who need fraud don't produce competitive technology.

The ethic of conservatives is that the fittest must prevail, which requires destroying vulnerable persons. They fight a war against the lower classes for that reason. What they missed is that the social structures were created by persons who came out of poverty. When the social structures were taken over by power mongers, functionality crumbled.

It isn't the teachers who are screwing up education. They are handed their agenda by frauds in the universities. Frauds design the subject matter taught in the teachers colleges.

About thirty years ago, I stumbled onto a biology book in a library that appeared to be written for teachers colleges. It was describing "aerobic fermentation" and "anaerobic fermentation." There is no such thing as aerobic fermentation (in a general sense). What they were doing is crossing out the word glycolysis (breakdown of glucose) and putting fermentation in its place. Glycolysis branches into respiration and fermentation, which was replaced with aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Fermentation is defined in science as a final electron acceptor other than oxygen, which means not aerobic.

The teachers have to resolve that nonsense for students; and very few science students come from U.S. schools now days. Yet conservatives have been trying to block foreign students and foreign workers from entering the U.S., even at the highest levels, where there is a drastic shortage of qualified professionals. Trump said the foreigners were taking away jobs from U.S. workers—repeating what conservatives have been saying for decades.

Also showing the mindlessness is that the new chip factories are supposedly going to be built in Arizona. The incompetents missed the fact that there isn't enough water in the southwestern U.S.

Another factor being missed is that supply chains are now shot, not just because of the pandemic. Trump created a lot of animosities beating everyone up trying to get a better deal by replacing trade agreements with his infantile substitutes including tariffs which were supposed to favor the U.S.

That's on top of real shortages developing in the chemical area due to waste created by fake technology including renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. The U.S. has been putting themselves at the bottom of the list when there are shortages due to belligerence in pushing everyone around trying to sanction competing economies out of existence. The said reason for the U.S. blocking Nord Stream Two was to sell more U.S.— sourced energy.

The attitude is that the U.S. is going to defy the rest of the world, as if they were still selling horse harnesses. They missed the fact that global economies don't work that way.

August 7, 2022.    Plalstic Gas Tanks

Have you noticed the cars exploding in flames now days when they crash? That never used to happen, because gas tanks were made of metal. Now plastic gas tanks have been approved. They are said to be 20% lighter. They probably weighed 50 pounds before, where they weigh 40 pounds now.

How many consumers are being told they now drive time bombs to save ten pounds on their cars? They are supposed to be adding 4,000 pounds of batteries instead.

August 24, 2022.    DeJoy's Post Office Fraud

The purpose of DeJoy in taking over the Post Office under Trump is to create a vibrant and successful Post Office. He applies the business model to postal service and adapts a standard that would bankrupt every business in existence. His tactic strips competitiveness by requiring increases in prices which reduce volume, while the Post Office is set up for volume and needs volume to meet the required law of delivering to every address in the US.

The first thing DeJoy did was remove air transport of mail and require trucks for hauling. Airplane service was extremely efficient, because it was set up for filling extra space. Truck hauling is extremely inefficient, because time is money, while it takes two weeks to get mail by truck from the east coast to the west coast. That's not considering that a lot of mail is time critical including medicines, legal papers and applications.

So the fakes destroy efficiency and the livelihoods of vulnerable persons to pretend that the Post Office is producing a business model, when the law requires otherwise. It shows, unlike anything else, that the purpose of the frauds is to destroy and destroy as their method of prevailing over rationality and vulnerable persons.

Trump wouldn't allow Congress to spend $25 billion to solve the postal problems. He said he would veto the legislation. Imposing a business model onto a nonbusiness was more important than getting the mail delivered, while $3 trillion tax dollars were dumped onto corporations during Trump years, while corporations had no use for the money besides stock buy-backs and executive bonuses. Some business model, huh.

Then the great, great appointed conservative did nothing to prevent greens from overriding the postal decision to buy a fleet of new gas powered delivery trucks and buy electric powered instead. So far, the decision was changed to buy 40% electric delivery vans. Buy them again Sam. That electric crap will need to be replaced, when the carriers find it impossible to use. They can't be running around trying to get the things charged, while air conditioning and heating cannot be used significantly without running out of battery power. The Post Office will either replace the electric vehicles or their employees.

August 31, 2022.    Conservative IRS Fraud

Conservatives are trying to oppose increased funding for the Internal Revenue Service by claiming the result will be an attack upon lower-class tax payers. Better for the lower classes to never get refunds for wage withholdings than have the IRS committing crimes against the public.

The claim is that increased funding for the IRS will unleash the IRS upon the lower classes who supposedly get most of the auditing. The lower classes don't get audited, because they have no income other than wages. Wages don't get audited. To audit wages would be nothing more than repeating the first tax form which produces a refund, not a crime admission.

The IRS is being portrayed by conservatives as the equivalent of an intelligence agency and FBI combined for destroying the lower classes. The only thing the IRS ever needs to know is financial information. No one needs to hide financial information. The rich grossly under-pay their taxes in the complexity of their investments, so they are going berserk over the ability of the IRS to collect some of those unpaid taxes.

The miniscule increase in funding for the IRS doesn't even pay for an improved computer system which is still in the stone ages. The increased funding barely gets some of the paper work done by increasing the number of employees. But conservatives don't want the IRS to get their work done, because IRS work-overload has been their primary ticket to success in the tax-fraud schemes of the wealthy.

The rich can't find anything to do with most of their wealth, so they give much of it away in gambling schemes such as the stock market, where computerized financial organizations always win. For conservatives, burning their wealth is preferred to allowing the government to get ahold of some of it and using it to solve social problems.

The reason why conservatives fight to prevent the government from solving social problems is because conservatives design their existence around innate superiority which must not be challenged by social justice. Innate superiority means racism and oppression to maintain domination of the social order by worthless, incompetent, power mongers.


Trump's appointed head of the IRS did audit an inordinate number of low class tax returns; but more of the same is not the answer. It means the head of the IRS needs to be replaced in addition to providing adequate funding.

Trump routinely appointed the most incompetent corrupters to management positions in his attempt to reduce government to creating problems instead of solving them; and he cut bureaucratic staff to prevent them from getting their work done. That's what conservatives are trying to prevent the liberals from correcting. (Article On IRS Chief)

September 7, 2022.    Values And Special Master

National security, law and the interests of the public were dumped down the drain of conservative values in appointing a "special master" to take over the investigation of Trump stealing government documents (Why not stop the steal?), because Trump "might" have some interest in the result.

Personal interests are not relevant to investigations. The determination of privacy concerns is taken up after a court case is established, not during the investigation. But as always, conservatives reshape realities around their motives, as if reality were nothing but garbage in the way of their cause. Their cause is to reduce social existence to a flat surface devoid of rationality and social structures including government that get in their way.

Obstructing is how Trump avoids prosecution for his criminality. In this case, the problem is much more than Trump avoiding prosecution; it's stabilizing high security documents which have not yet been accounted for. The documents could be traveling around the world. Instead of finding out, know-nothings are supposed to be looking after Trump's nonexistent interests. Conservatives don't disconnect their self-centeredness from the national interests of the country. And they are the nationalists and patriots?

September 13, 2022.    Codification Of Law

Trump is a Nazi, through and through. One of the primary characteristics of Nazis is decodification of law. That means erasing any written evidence of laws existing. Law to Trump is something he barks out with no evidence in writing of it existing.

Nazis try to remove all rationality from their environment including ordered existence and government based upon written laws. The reason why is because they don't want any accountability for their criminality. With arbitrary whim, law is whatever they say it is, which means it never applies to themselves, while their whims act as laws against their enemies.

Trump's nonsense is a pretense of no laws applying to himself and endless, undefined laws applying to his enemies. An example is his claim that he declassified the government documents which he stole, because he told someone to declassify them. There is no law that declassifies documents that way.

At the same time, Trump claims that the Department of Justice investigating the stolen documents is the worst crime ever committed being used for political reasons against him. Anything negative said against him is supposedly a crime for political reasons.

None of the government documents which Trump took were his property, classified or unclassified; and there is no legal method of making them his property. So he pretends that he can steal documents with no accountability through laws.

Bonnie And Claud

Article On IRS Chief

Article On Oppressive Education

Article On Opposition To Welfare

Power And Fraud

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is Economic Chronicle     
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