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Normalizing Fakery

September 8, 2023

Fake science and technology show why incompetent power mongers need to replace objective reality with substitutes. Fakery is glamorized in absurd and magical ways in the attempts to make incompetent power mongers look like wizards, where objective reality creates demanding requirements for solving problems through rationality.

Incompetent power mongers need fakery, because they cannot get constructivity out of incompetent power mongering. The essence of fakery is to go through a process with an obvious purpose and substitute a pretended result for a functional result.

Nothing could be clearer than the fakery of a greenhouse effect, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. A process is created for absurdities which have no constructive result.

Since the absurdities become more visible as the fakeries become more extreme, a second level of fraud is needed to normalize the fakery. That means, if the absurdities of fraud become visible, pretend that there is something normal and good about fakery.

The clearest examples of normalizing fakery are in the physics of relativity and gravity wave measurements. There isn't a pretense of credibility at the scientific level for those frauds. Instead of credibility the frauds are imposed upon scientists with no criticism being allowed. Then the fakery is supposed to filter outward as an end in itself for anyone who becomes aware of the fraud being fraud.

Gravity wave measurements supposedly measure motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of molecules. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler that vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles. No one in science could miss the fraud of it. Why not something more credible, like one micron of motion instead of one tenth of an attometer? Because the fraud would still be too obvious to anyone in science. So making the result extremely absurd changes the question from credibility to the usefulness of fakery.

There is no way to navigate in space outside the Earth's orbit, because there are no reference points in deep space. Point and shoot doesn't work after the first few thousand miles, because the slightest errors in motion add up too fast at such large distances.

Adding up those absurdities means there is no such thing as getting a spacecraft from Earth to Mars. So why the endless fakery for space missions to Mars? To get people used to fakery.

Pushing the envelop is how corruption is normalized. Normalization is a process of getting people used to fakery by producing endless amounts. So something as benign as space projects is where the fakery is maximized.

Getting real is not an option for incompetent power mongers. They acquire power through fraud; so they need to maintain power through fraud. In physics, the fraud starts at the beginning. There hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced since Joule's fraudulent measurement in 1845 which produced an incorrect representation of kinetic energy.

Incompetent corrupters took over physics due to the extreme abstractness of physics. Proving them wrong was too demanding for real scientists to prevail in correcting the frauds.

As complexities increased throughout society, the demands for abstract realities increased, which resulted in the same thing happening in all of the social structures as happened in physics. Incompetent power mongers overwhelm rational persons, as they defy the abstract requirements of complex realities.

Abstract means nonperceivable. Complex relationships between realities are abstract to the extent that the degree of complexities evades perception. All knowledge is abstract in that knowledge is a human construct to represent complexities in a form that is manageable.

Incompetence is based on improper substitutes for abstract realities. Simple ignorance is not incompetence. Ignorance is relative. It's covering over ignorance with fake realities that creates incompetence.

Artificial intelligence is fakery. Since knowledge is abstract and nonperceivable, it cannot be programed as algorithms. No knowledge; no artificial intelligence. The misnomer is a fraud upon the public. What is being called artificial intelligence is nothing but programming in steps for re-arranging words.

Self-driving is doomed to failure, because all it is is aligning upon pre-determined signals. The complexities cannot be pre-determined, such as gradient braking or evaluating flashing lights which have varied sources including reflections.

Motion per se cannot be evaluated for self-driving, because every element would need to be evaluated for each frame, while 20 to 50 frames per second would be needed. And even if that could be done, comparing each frame with the one before it to determine what changes would immensely multiply the task. Lidar is not evaluation of motion but direct measurement of motion. A lot of motion cannot be measured by lidar; and lidar cannot tell why something is in a different position for each frame, as occurs with flashing lights while in motion.

Incompetent persons can only prevail by mongering power. That means rationality and rational persons must be dominated through overwhelm to make incompetent persons relevant. Power is used to overwhelm.

Incompetent corrupters overwhelming social structures results in fascism which becomes Nazism at its most extreme level. The fascism that is overwhelming government is a result of incompetent power mongers prevailing throughout society.

Gravity Wave Measurements

Self-Driving Fraud

Helicopter On Mars

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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Electricity Problem
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Gravity Waves
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