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November 20, 2020

Corruption is extremely vague, because it is not an attempt to create something but to oppose something. Rationality is what corrupters oppose. What replaces it could be almost anything as long as it is trivial enough to be malleable.

One of the requirements for the replacement is that it not be codified in laws which stabilize intentions and meanings. Corrupters are bags of whim. Contradictions are an inherent part of the whims. That's a major reason why rational humans codify laws. Stabilizing realities allows deficiencies to be improved upon. Corruption includes an opposition to improvements. Improve means less corruption, at least to rational persons.

Whim is needed by corrupters so their stupidity isn't taxed. They need a standard which removes any concept of deficiency including stupidity. Whim does that. With whim, a corrupter is always right and superior; and even saying the opposite earlier must be irrelevant, which means any concept of contradiction must be eradicated from noticeability.

When getting there, the destroyers of destroyers are the invincible models of everything related to power. Of course, they never get there; but the micro successes do that in their minds.

Whim includes being lords over words. But the words have to be limited to positive and negative connotations. Words no longer have meaning in that state; they only have positive and negative connotations.

Name calling is used to divide the universe into acceptability and opposition. Names with a positive connotation are used to move sycophants upward. Names with negative connotations are attached to the losers being destroyed.

This process clarifies where everyone stands, so there can be 100% agreement. Total homogeneity is required for the maintenance of corrupt power, as complexities cannot be handled by corrupters and truth evolves out of the interactions of realities which complexities create.

Since such a state can never to totally achieved, the existence of corrupters is a force in that direction. All of rational existence must be eliminated in the process. Doing that is so futile that it pre-occupies everything corrupters do.

Corrupters don't simply try to dismantle rationality and its products, as rationality would increase in the attempt. Instead, they attempt to aggregate a group of sycophants who support what they do.

But that is the pro-active part of producing corruption. Every contact with rational existence demands a reaction by corrupters. The reaction is like sticking a label onto the encountered problem. The reaction never has a reality element to it, which would defeat corrupters; yet that which is unacceptable must be subdued.

Subduing without reality is a values process. Negativity must be attached to that which is subdued, so all of the conspirators become a part of the process in rejecting what must be subdued. Labeling takes care of everything when the process is to create a group rather than an arrangement of realities.

These properties of corruption were quite visible in the Nazis. They used yellow tags to identify opponents. They reduced purposes to creating an Arian race which did not exist by identified the group. Name calling was all anyone needed to know about opponents.

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Corruption Is An Ethic

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