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Understanding Terrorism


September 17, 2022

Terrorism is an element of Nazism. Trump and his more extreme sycophants are full-blown Nazis in terms of their standards and attitudes; and they operate as terrorists in that position.

When corrupters cannot accomplish anything in a constructive manner, terrorism is the what they fall back on in extreme cases. Terrorism is the ultimate fix for extreme corruptness.

What terrorism is is obliteration of everything about opponents with no regard for consequences to self. Certainly there are concerns for self; but they are disconnected from everything represented by the rational world.

In other words, terrorists strive for a totally disconnected state. They would never really want to get there; but along the way, every step seems like an improvement to them. That's because there are always exploits along the path to annihilation; and the exploits create the impression of something being gained through uninhibited destructivity.

The most extreme corrupters believe in terrorism in the sense that they actually gain something from their destructivity by their criteria. They gain power, as long as there is something to exploit; and power is their obsession.

For that reason, extreme corrupters look upon terrorism leaders with awe. How could such persons acquire so much power if they weren't superior persons? Such persons must know the value of terrorism, which makes them superior to persons who are more inhibited.

Terrorism is the only tool that works for the most extreme corrupters. It works by the criterion that it defeats opponents. Defeating opponents is not a part of rational existence; but it is the obsession of corrupters.

Everything about corruption is opposed by the rational world, which creates the preoccupation of corrupters. Corrupters need to find a way to win against the constant onslaught of opponents. Terrorism is the most extreme and successful way to destroy opponents.

Corrupters who are not so extreme as terrorists want to get something more out of life than destroying opponents. But the most extreme corrupters have given up on getting anything more out of life than destroying opponents. Therefore, the most destructive acts are the most successful in getting terrorists where they want to be, which is defeating opponents.

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