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The Mystery Of Power

June 11, 2021

One of the broadest rationalizations for corruption is that no one would have a reason to produce corruption. The motive for corruption can't be found in the technicalities. The rationalizations are in the technicalities, and rationalizations are designed to conceal motives.

The most significant example is the obstructionism of conservatives. Conservatives are supposedly for everything, while they obstruct everything. No one can unravel that contradiction. Opponents look for the explanation in the technicalities, and it's not there.

The explanation is found in the corruptions of mongering power, not the fake claims. Power mongering is why corrupters will not do what they claim to do. They make claims as justifications for what they don't do.

The most common example is the conservative claim that they are for lowering taxes. They throw tax dollars at corporations which don't have the slightest use for them. The tax give-aways are used by corporations for stock buy-backs to everyone else's detriment. That means more taxes have to be collected to replace the burning of tax dollars by corporations.

After burning tax dollars, conservatives claim there is not enough money for solving real problems. Conservatives have been doing and saying that so often since they took over the world in 1981, that the pattern is unmistakable.

The point here is the why. The why of everything is a moral question. Journalists follow an unofficial rule of never creating moral implications, which means the real explanation for corruption is never produced, and therefore, corruption supposedly never exists.

Power is what incompetent corrupters use as the substitute for competence. It's how they get more out of life than their incompetence produces. With power, they extract rather than contribute.

It takes a lot of rationalizing to do that. So corrupters produce a fake line about how constructively they are motivated, while they make sure no good comes of the result.

Power mongers cannot allow constructivity to prevail. Wherever there is constructivity, there is contact with objective reality which exposes the incompetence and corruptness of corrupters. So power mongers are forever promoting (rationalizing and justifying) what they never allow to exist.

One of the consequences is a war against the lower classes. The lower classes have problems which they try to solve and demand being solved. That demand places responsibilities upon power mongers which they have no intention of meeting. Yet they must always pretend to be the solution to everything. The contradictions become glaring and overwhelming in the context of the problems that the lower classes have.

Power mongers don't have that problem where there is power. Power is promoted through the fakery of positivism. Corruption is painted up as a good thing where there is power. The good is always to be found in the future, while opponents are supposedly preventing the that future from existing, which is the reason why the wondrous results of power mongers are not occurring at the present time.

The good of corrupters is always a hypothetical, while the harm is always lived with. To connect the fake hypothetical to the actual harm is made illusive by the futurism. Even though a technical analysis will expose corruption, the truth falls to the wayside in the fakery of futurism. Futurism is a source of power which gets promoted by power mongers and wanabes.

What Problem Solving Is

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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