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Intent Defines

July 20, 2021

Intent defines realities, purposes and morality. What someone intends is what they align realities, purposes and morality upon. Even if total effect is a failure, what is aligned upon contributes toward the purposes. Also, what is intended determines the nature of other related realities, purposes and morality.

What one intends is what one moves toward and contributes to. Even if ineffective in one place, other related realities, purposes and moral standards will move in the direction of intent. That's why the meaning must be interpreted in terms of intent. No single point is very definitive, but the accumulation of several points have a net effect aligned upon intent.

It is the intent that defines the whole conservative movement as corrupt and immoral. Conservatives flock to the conservative movement because of the purpose defined by the intent.

No matter how much rationalizing or lying, a corrupt intent is still destructive and projects through the flack. Flack is what conservative reality consists of out of necessity. Reality must be reduced to incoherence to ward off the truth about the intent.

So the intent of conservatives needs to be clarified. It's the total, net effect that determines their intent. Their net effect is to fight a war against enemies, first and foremost against the lower classes and vulnerable persons and secondarily against persons who try to create social justice for the vulnerable victims.

Why the conservative war against the lower classes? Domination is why. Corrupters need to dominate to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. To dominate means getting other persons below their own feet. Only the most vulnerable persons are going to end up under the feet of dominators. Yet there must be someone under the feet of dominators to create the power to dominate.

The power of destructivity is the means required for domination. The purpose cannot be concealed. Fake realities must always be aligned upon the intent, which shows the purpose.

In rationalizing, corrupters attack opponents and use them as the excuse for their standard. The excuse is irrelevant. The relevance is in the intent. The intent is always visible or there would be no reason to rationalize.

The intent shows that conservatives will not allow ordered existence to get in their way in dominating vulnerable persons as a source of power. They dismantle government to prevent it from getting in their way. They degrade opponents to prevent them from getting in their way.

Degradation of persons never has a constructive purpose. All constructivity requires objectivity which requires no mention of persons. If persons are causing a problem, the problem is an objective reality, but only if the realities are a proper representation and related to a solution and not simply a self-serving attack upon someone.

Conservatives can never sort realities out properly without condemning themselves. So they muddle realities. And still the intent is visible in the muddled realities, because they are trying to advance something which is unjustifiable—their purpose to dominate vulnerable persons as a source of power.

Morality is about persons but in terms of the problems that persons create. So conservatives take a moral high ground and pretend to be fixing everyone and everything. That's the corrupt way of going about it—socializing the morality and lying instead of clarifying the abstract basics.

Conservatives pretend to be fixers of everything. Since they have no ability to fix anything or plan that can be clarified, their fixing is fraud. Fixing anything but their own personal problems is fraud. Fixing to frauds means imposing destructivity onto other persons.

There is no such thing as fixing. Problems can only be prevented; there is no significant fix for them once they exist. Yet conservatives use fixing as one of their primary justifications. There is a high degree of stupidity in assuming fixing justifies them, while their fixing consists of destroying vulnerable persons. People have a right to decide for themselves what their fixing should consist of, while conservatives ignore that right in imposing their fixing upon vulnerable persons.

The important thing to notice is that the result follows the intent. The result and intent is to destroy vulnerable persons, while a rationalization is supposed to justify the result.

A persistent purpose of conservatives is to prevent the needy from getting assistance while claiming the purpose of improving the character of the needy. The result is human degradation, while the excuse is moral authority over someone else. The result, purpose and intent are highly visible, while ignorant excuses are used.

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