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Higher Moral Authority

June 8, 2021

Higher moral authority is the basis for impositions which have no reality basis or logic. It's the opposite of rationality.

Rationality means the laws of the universe are the basis for decisions. If the laws of the universe are not the basis, what is? Higher moral authority is the alternative. That means corrupters represent an absolute requirement which cannot be defied. It comes out of themselves rather than the laws of the universe.

Domination says that. It says superiority includes an absolute requirement which does not need a logic.

The self-righteousness of corruption is the imposing of higher moral authority. It says there is a mysterious necessity that is imposed as an absolute which cannot be defined.

That's what the difference is between criminality and domination. Criminals don't kid anyone about crime being wrong. Dominators do. They pretend that there is an absolute necessity in dominating. Since it is not true, there is no logic to the subject. The imposition comes out of noting. But adding self-righteousness to it says there is an inviolable source of moral authority to domination.

Corrupters get that way—imposing corruption as a higher moral authority—in rationalizing their corruption. In rationalizing they pretend an absolute necessity, even though it has no reality element to its origins. Necessity stripped of reality is higher moral authority.

Conservatives impose their agenda on the basis of higher moral authority—not solutions to problems but undefinable vagaries.

Everything conservatives do is an agenda, because they are driven to increase group power. Issues to conservatives are nothing but a front for promoting group power, as indicated by their constant reference to nothing but themselves and the power of their group.

There is no moral authority in promoting corrupt power. The image doesn't look right. Not looking right says there is something wrong, while the fakery of the image gets ignored, as conservatives prevail in promoting their agenda.

A few decades ago, the moral authority of conservatives was based upon them promoting capitalism, while claiming their opponents promoted communism. The social betterment promoted by their opponents was communism. Nonprof organizations were depriving capitalists of business.

Everything that used to be a social service is supposed to be replaced with profit-making business, according to conservatives. That includes schools and prisons. Even though the result is dereliction and decay of social services, it is supposedly necessary, because capitalism is the proper method of doing things.

Why must social services be reduced to decadence to promote profit-making? No explanation. Making the claim is higher moral authority. It's supposed to be done, not for improvement of social services but for a higher state of existence.

Communism can no longer be used as the fix-all solution to conservative harping, but the nature of conservative arguments never changes. Conservatives always base their claims on the higher moral authority of needing to convert social solutions into profit-making businesses, such as eradicating public facilities, parks and nature preserves and polluting environments for freedom. Those are moral questions, not engineering, health and economic solutions to problems.

Gutting the Post Office and making it nonfunctional is supposed to be done to make it a business rather than a social service. Corporations get tens of billions of dollars to make capitalism work, while the Post Office gets cut to make it a business instead of a social service.

Throwing out election results and making sure opponents never win an election again is not based on evaluation but higher moral authority. The claim is that the public will feel more secure with Jim Crow laws. Feeling more secure is a moral question, not a problem-solving question.

That standard is the same reason why power is mongered. Incompetents revert to mongering power to get what they want out of life. If problems are not being solved, why do something? Because of higher moral authority. Higher moral authority replaces problem-solving purposes.

Rationalizing is the same thing. In place of correct logic is picking and choosing trivia as a basis for results. The arbitrariness removes the objective realities from the subject and bases the results on higher moral authority.

Deciding what is good for someone else is higher moral authority. Conservatives decide for the lower classes that they should not get an increase in the minimum wage saying there would be fewer jobs available. That's rationalizing as a justification for hijacking someone else's life.

It's like saying, if worn out tires are replaced on an automobile, more ants will be killed on the highways. It's irrelevant, even if true. That's the problem with all rationalizing. If it is irrelevant even if true, the result is based on the higher moral authority of the deciders.

Whether minimum wage workers have fewer jobs after raising the minimum wage is irrelevant when they can't pay living expenses on the minimum wage. It would be better to have fewer workers making a living wage than more workers unable to pay expenses. Deciding that is a moral argument. Why should power mongers decided that for the workers? They pretend to have a higher moral authority when they hijack other persons' lives instead of letting people decide for themselves.

What gets left out of the rationalizing is that fewer workers in one area will result in more workers in another area. There were help wanted signs up in the stores for two years before the pandemic, because there always is a shortage of minimum-wage workers.

The same arguments could be applied to every job in existence. Picking and choosing to rationalize oppression is basing power on higher moral authority.

Of course the arguments of corrupters are designed to solve their problems. That means ulterior motives. While pretending to love the minimum-wage workers, power mongers want more slave labor. Ulterior motives are not in the logic; they are imposed on the basis of higher moral authority. Power is needed to impose fake moral authority.

Corrupters impose a moral authority self-righteously onto society based upon their assumption that the result is an improvement. It gets them where they want to be (dominating exploiters) causing them to assume it is an improvement for everyone. Their stupidity is imposed onto everyone as higher moral authority.

What Problem Solving Is

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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