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Fake Morality


May 3, 2021

Corrupters use fake morality to justify themselves. Onlookers assume or pretend that the fakery is what morality looks like. So they could not easily explain why the assumed moralists were Trump's most loyal supporters, while Trump was the epitome of contempt for morality.

Isn't fakery always that way? The wolf disguised as the friend has the purpose of eating the friend. The fakery facilitates the opposite.

The nursery rhymes seem so unreal. Anyone could tell that the wolf doesn't look like the friend. kids wonder why someone is telling them that. As adults they find out why. The most in-the-face moralists are fakes. Always have been.

Isn't the fakery highly visible? When conservatives promote family values and fight a war against the lower classes, they aren't promoting family values. Morality doesn't look anything like the family values of conservatives. But instead of assuming conservatives are fakes, the social expression is that morality is that way. Morality is supposedly always fake.

What gets missed is that there is such a thing as morality that isn't fake. It's in the area of liberalism gone awry or social justice warriors. The difference is morality for the good of the needy vs. morality for the good of oneself. The fakes are all about themselves. Real morality is all about the needy. Meeting human needs is the real morality. Conservatives create human needs and pretend that they are producing morality.

Self-centeredness is at the origins of corruption. Self-centered corrupters are moralists for themselves only. Everyone else pays a price for their assumed version of morality.

In fact morality and rationality are the same things. Corrupters never pretend to be promoting rationality. They would fail if they tried and the result would expose their incompetence and corruptness. In other words, if their morality were expressed through the reality medium, the dreaded truth would evolve out of it and defeat them.

This is because morality is the standard required for constructive everything including the method of handling reality, which is rationality, and the method of relating to other persons, which is constructivity. Constructivity is what everyone benefits from. It is also objective. Adding subjectivity to constructivity prevents it from being constructivity. But self-centered persons are totally subjective. They cannot move out of their subjective bubble and get objective, because objectivity is a relationship to the realities of the universe which expose them as incompetent corrupters.


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