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The Fraud Of Fluoride Hardening Teeth

Decay has nothing to do with hardness. Decay is based on acid solubility, not hardness.

Fluoride for teeth is an example of how rationalizing works with no basis in evidence, measurements or background science. In fact, attempts to acquire statistical evidence show the opposite of desired results and are discontinued before being completed.

There is no reason to assume that the hydroxyapatite of teeth is less hard than fluorapatite. But there is a theoretical reason to assume fluorapatite dissolves easier in acid than hydroxyapatite. Fluorosis of teeth indicates that fluoride causes tooth enamel to dissolve more easily than normal enamel.

hydroxyapatite   Ca5(PO4)3(OH)

fluorapatite   Ca5(PO4)3F

Adding fluoride can be expected to make tooth material dissolve more easily, because the fluoride atom is much more polarized than the hydroxal group that it replaces. Solubility increases with polarization.

Organic halides—halides attached to carbon—do not exist in biology, though strange exceptions can exist in biology before evolution gets rid of them. One of the reasons for evolution not allowing organic halides in biology would be that they are not stable enough. Halides tend to migrate by separating from one molecule and re-attaching to a different molecule, which must be avoided in biology. The migration of halides is due to their extreme polarization, which draws electrons away from the carbon which they attach to. The same would be true of the attachment of fluoride to the calcium phosphate of hydroxyapatite. It means the rationalizations for fluoridation of teeth are anti-scientific.

So why do anti-scientific results occur? Because incompetent power mongers are driven to corrupt the logic of science in their attack upon rationality. Rationality exposes their incompetence and corruptness, while fraud gives them the freedom to contrive. There is no wrong way to corrupt something, as shown by Yellowstone and relativity.

The problem that critics of fluoride run into is trying to rely upon laboratory measurements to determine the result. Science is too often a tool for fraud now days, which subverts criticism. Frauds too often decide, not only what happens in laboratories, but how the results are lied about afterwards.

Frauds are saying that the benefit of fluoride to teeth has been unquestionably established. Nothing of the sort has occurred. Any number of attempts to show the benefit have failed.

No one can doubt that fluoride rots the enamel of teeth. The rotted enamel is said to be cosmetic. The enamel is the hardest part of teeth. When it rots, what is improved? Nothing but lied-about results.

Increased hardness would not be desirable for teeth. If it were, the whole tooth would be as hard as the enamel on the outside. But more flexibility is needed to reduce breaking. So nature made teeth less hard by limiting the enamel to the outside. In other words, nature already took care of the hardness of teeth in a lot less insane way than adding fluoride.

It's the same reason why humans are using a lot more plastic than they used to in place of glass. Glass is too hard for most containers, which causes it to break too easily. Plastic is less hard than glass, so it does not break as easily.

It really takes gullibility to assume fluoride digging pits in the surface of teeth is just cosmetic. Fluoride will etch glass; chloride will not. The difference is that fluoride is stronger at extracting electrons than chloride is. When electrons are pulled out of glass, atoms separate.

The more obnoxious fraud is, the more forcefully it is imposed. The claims of fluoride-benefit get more dogmatically imposed as the destructive results get more obvious.

Another thing that fluoride shows is that frauds are primarily imposed by journalists and activists who know nothing of the subject, while scientists say as little as possible. One reason is because know-nothings run wild with their imaginations. Another reason is because there is no accountability for know-nothings, while scientists wash their hands by reducing their accountability.

Conspiracies are not taught or discussed; they occur automatically as a result of power being generated by a large group. The power of numbers drives conspirators to force everyone into their conspiracies, while eliminating all dissent is needed to suppress truth.

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