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Emptiness As An Ethic

December 19, 2020

Doesn't anyone notice that conservatives skip from starting point to end point with nothing in between? What should be in between is the method of doing things. In a complex society, nothing gets to end points without complex and demanding procedures with a lot of knowledge and science being required.

Which, of course, is exactly the problem. Incompetence. Conservatives are so incompetent that they cannot produce procedures.

You would think that their incompetence would disqualify them from running peoples' lives. But the opposite is true; and the reason is exactly why Trump's base grows the more corruption he produces. Incompetent corrupters have learned to remove the complexities from words and deeds as an ethic.

What is it that they hate about liberals? Mostly, it's liberals adding the complex explanations and procedures needed to get real results. Doing that removes incompetent corrupters from the process, because they can't handle the complexities.

Corrupters assume any sign of complexities is a corruption being imposed upon society. That's what they meant by "swamp" and "deep state"—complexities being used to corrupt government.

Notice the simple absurdity in complexities being viewed as a corruption, while almost nothing can be accomplished without complexities. Removing complexities from words and deeds is removing functionality.

How are conservatives supposed to solve problems with no procedures? Through magic. The ethic of removing complexities from life is a dependence upon magic. Trump is promoted to produce magic, not rationality. It is supposed to be magical fixes that make conservatives the rightful inheritors of life.

This is why Trump has to deny the relevance of the pandemic. If the pandemic actually existed as a pandemic, Trump would acquire responsibilities which he cannot meet. No magic is going to make a pandemic go away. So denial is needed to eliminate the responsibilities.

The ethic of emptiness is inherent in the use of lies as a methodology. There isn't an explanation for lies. Any explaining would expose lies for what they are. In place of explanation is the value of emptiness.

What is that value? The value of emptiness is incongruous. (What would a philosopher be if he couldn't explain the incongruous.)

Part of the value of incongruous emptiness is power. Corrupters are so attached to power that they assume it is a self-contained source of truth, knowledge and the answer to everything. They assume those qualities are in the history that created the power and the results could be brought to the surface any time if necessary; but of course the necessity of doing so is never as great as the need to overwhelm with lies and fraud.

To overwhelm with force, which requires the power to do so, implies superiority by all relevant criteria in the minds of corrupters. That means corrupters have everything all figured out and it would be below their dignity to explain it to losers, particularly since their past experiences show that opponents will fight back with rationality which can't be defeated. The inability to defeat rationality just shows the corruptness of rationality in overwhelming superior persons.

That's what makes the virtues of emptiness incongruous. There is a rationalization for every corruption in the minds of corrupters.


Opposition To Socialism

The Alternative To Rationality

Corruption Is An Ethic

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What Corruption Is TOP     



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