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The Alternative To Rationality

December 12, 2020

Incompetent corrupters find that rationality places demands upon them which they cannot meet. Their reaction is to oppose rationality.

Whim creating chaos is the alternative to rationality that corrupters revert to. It's a non-alternative which erases rationality without replacing it with anything but nonsensical contradictions.

Opposing rationality is the reaction that results in opposition to structured existence including functional government and laws. Totalitarian fascism has that force behind it.

Persons who oppose rationality teach themselves not to evaluate. Evaluating is a complex process, so it's easy to not learn how.

Such persons strongly oppose rationality, which doesn't seem to be a logical reaction. Doesn't everyone benefit from more rationality instead of less? Of course. So why oppose it?

The opposition to rationality stems from an obsessive self-centeredness due to the inadequacies of incompetence. Self-centered persons compare themselves to others and cannot tolerate other persons being better than they are. Signs of betterment in others creates jealousy in self-centered persons. Jealousy is the most acted upon manifestation of corruption.

So self-centered persons are driven to obliterate rationality. Without rationality, substitutes are required. There needs to be a method of determining what reality is in the absence of evaluation. Over time, what works indicates what reality is. But the lessons of time take too long for most purposes.

The fastest way to determine what reality is is to find reliable sources, which is the usual method. But if rationality is opposed, the relied upon sources must be devoid of rationality. They aren't very reliable.

The combination of supposed reliable sources and opposition to rationality results in crossing bridges after getting to them. In other words, trial and error. An awful lot of error occurs without yielding much information on the truth about the realities involved.

The failures in creating an alternative to rationality result in reductionism in attempting to simplify as a method of reducing problems in handling realities including obvious contradictions. Reductionistic communication is heavily chopped. Slogans and meaningless claims are imposed attempting to block opposing realities.

With no meaningful operating reality for making decisions, whim replaces the complexities of studied responses. Knowledge becomes useless. Values replace objective realities. Wanting something to happen is purity, while making it happen is the ruination of man. The result is demagoguery.

Promoting those standards means finding quasi and not-so-successful charismatic leaders who invest in the same standards. They operate by whim in place of objective reality as truth and knowledge. Why not? History has shown why not as totalitarians destroy countries. What does totalitarianism have to do with it? Using a negative label doesn't look like the magical solution that irrational persons expect to produce from the alternatives to rationality.

Origins Of Totalitarianism

The March To Fascism

The Failure Of Journalists

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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