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Conservatives Corrupt Standards Of Communication


September 26, 2022

The conservative method of communication is designed to direct accusations against opponents with absence of anything that can be checked out. Accusation is used by corrupters to put themselves into a superior position with no relationship to reality.

It takes communication fraud to position corrupters as being superior persons. The nature of communication fraud needs to be clarified, because conservatives get by with no accountability for the fraud. Without accountability, the fraud never ends.

First of relevance is the purpose. Constructivity does not require communication fraud. That means corrupters condemn themselves with their communication fraud. But they are never held accountable for that standard. It is the journalists who should be setting the standards for communication; but they never address corruption of communication standards.

It is the absence of explanations (specifics) that is the problem. If anything real were being said, the truth could be produced. In the absence of anything real, the accusations hang in the air, while uninformed persons assume there must be something real in the background.

The pretense of something real behind the fraud allows conservatives to shape their corruptness as something of value. Instead, the corruption of communication should show that they are corrupters. But it doesn't happen that way, because there is no accountability for corrupt communication standards.

It's analogous to going into a bank with a ski mask and gun. It's not how banking is done; and there is no legitimate reason for doing so. Similarly, there is no legitimate reason for making undefined claims with no explanations. If claims are real, explanations would always be produced. Only corruption requires an absence of explanations.

Journalists often try to pin down vagaries; but they never improve the standards; so the frauds never end. To improve the standards would require some direct discussion of the subject, particularly in response to corrupt results where clarifications are possible. Of course, it never happens.

All corruption comes out of a black hole which is portrayed as the answer to everything. Fraud is based on absence of reality being filled in by imagination which is directed by charged claims with no explanations. Charged claims direct uninformed minds. That process promotes fraud including the fascism that conservatives are directing in attempting to overthrow the government with Jim Crow laws to make sure they never lose another election.

Conservatives are trying to reduce government to the arbitrary whims of a dictator which removes all accountability for their corruptions, such as having corporations burn trillions of tax dollars as supposedly improving the economy, while social programs for the needy are supposedly destroying the economy.

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