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Corruption As A Force

December 24, 2020

Corruption must always be a force, since corruption is a conflict with objective reality and forces are conflicts with realities. That force is the most basic (important) property of corruption, yet it is never dealt with as the determining influence of corruption that it is.

The alternative says everything. The alternative is simply explanations. Explanations end corruption. When explanations exist—good, bad or indifferent—truth results. Nothing but truth ends corruption.

So the underlying problem never gets fixed; and the reason why is because of an avoidance of moral implications. An unspoken rule is to never create moral implications. Why? Because corrupters rely upon that rule so heavily that they impose it upon everyone. Dupes go along.

To eradicate the explanations that would end corruption, a lot of determined effort goes into a process for generating corruption. It starts with conspiring in the dark. All conspiracies are corruptions; and they all require darkness.

The only thing visible in corruption force is the fake excuse. The excuse is always the opposite of the truth.

In fact, much more common than the excuse being unavoidable but negative is the excuse which is so lovey dovey that it does wonders for something. Making Eagle Scouts out of food stamp recipients is an example. It would be so wonderful if persons getting food stamps would learn to be like everyone else that their lives are hijacked for the purpose.

Since everything corrupters do is corrupt, a positive image must be contrived. A visible image can never look good for corrupters, so they use a verbal image consisting of platitudes. A platitude is a short slogan used as a truism which could apply to all that is right and wonderful but has no relationship to reality. Examples of platitudes are these: We take this seriously. It's just a misunderstanding. It contains some inaccuracies. The charge is outrageous. It's just a life-style dispute.

Trump campaigns on nothing but platitudes. He claims he is going to end all wars and put everyone to work making America great—no explanations of how and no results afterwards.

He shows how demagoguery works. By never going beyond platitudes, he can never be proven wrong or even argued against. So he becomes invincible.

Journalists can't understand what makes Trump so invincible. They don't understand the fakery of platitudes, the peril of omitting explanations, the inevitable demise of incompetence or how those factors create demagoguery, perhaps because they are too reliant upon such corruptions themselves.

How could anyone miss the incompetence of Trump or other corrupters? There is a counter-philosophy to competence which says fake claims are superior to competence.

Isn't that why the "swamp" or "deep state" needed to be removed from government—to replace knowledgeable persons with the fakery of platitudes? Trump sought out the most incompetent corrupters he could find in his attempts to surround himself with sycophants who would reduce government to worship of the ruler.


The Normalcy Of Corruption

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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