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Corruption As A Purity Ethic

June 7, 2023

Corrupters are against everything and for nothing. Purity is supposedly produced that way. Find fault in anything and pretend that removing the fault is all it takes to solve everyone's problems.

What replaces the fault? Only enemies would ask. Supposedly, the answers to everything automatically exist, once the imperfections are removed.

The reason why that happens is because corrupters want no demands placed upon them and nothing to stand in their way in doing as they please. Removing all of the demands and restrictions is their purpose in producing fake purity. Nothing is yet perfect, if there are demands or restrictions acting upon corrupters.

It's their incompetence that drives corrupters in that direction. Incompetence hypothetically disappears when there are no demands or restrictions. There is no wrong way to do anything without demands or restrictions. So corruption cannot be defined without demands and restrictions.

Corrupters are obsessed with their personal problems in the incompetence area. To get incompetence to go away, all demands must be removed.

Notice that the purpose is absurd. Nothing changes about incompetence by redefining the requirements. Yet corrupters try to pretend otherwise. They do that because the rudimentary processes of reducing demands looks like an improvement. But it is a false assumption; so the real result doesn't get to any real improvement.

There is also a secondary effect exploited in the purity ethic. It's that attacking enemies is justified by imperfections that need to be corrected. Woke is supposedly a corruption that needs to be corrected. The enemy is woke; so corrupters are superior in not being woke.

If the enemies of corrupters were doing they same thing, they could rattle off a lot of imperfections of corrupters. Well, they do, but in a different way. It's rationality that defines the difference. Rational persons produce truth by explaining; and truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat. So corrupters assume they are just reversing the process in attacking rational persons for being imperfect.

White racism is one of the products of the purity ethic. Getting rid of imperfections means only white racists should have a right to exist.

Conservatives are trying to define away liberalism as an evil that must be destroyed. What is the nature of that evil? This month, it's woke. A few months ago, it was cancel culture. What makes me woke and cancel culture? Is it criticism? No explanation. All liberals can be painted into any frame with the one-word name calling and attacks.

Why isn't getting rid of everyone but white racists cancel culture? Why isn't name calling woke? Without explanations, no relationship to reality exists.

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