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The Basic Error Of Corruption

September 21, 2021

Corruption includes two elements—erroneous assumptions and destructive motives. The errors create the motives and the motives create the errors. This subject is about the errors.

The most basic error of corrupters is assuming they can the defy the logic and knowledge of the way things are as determined by the universe as the reference for defining life. That purpose is the same thing as replacing objectivity with subjectivity. It means defiant whim. It assumes no realities are stable, so whoever wins at defiance can reshape reality. It's similar to assuming criminality is the answer to everything.

It isn't being wrong. Being wrong without a motive is easily corrected, as surrounding realities are determined. Corruption is wanting to be wrong by objective reality criteria in the attempt to be right by self-centered-exploitation-of-power criteria. It's assuming realities are trash in the way and must be reshaped to exploit power.

Since the universe never allows the realities which shape life to be defied, corrupters are always losers obsessed with trying to get the realities out of the way which can never be removed from the make-up of life.

There is often such a firm belief that defying fixed, immutable laws the universe is the answer to everything that it obsesses corrupters in trying to achieve that result—trying to defy the universe, turning hell over to do it and self-righteously imposing that purpose upon everyone to a point of fighting wars to do so.

It's not an analysis. It's preventing anything from getting in the way of motives.

Sound too preposterous? It is what the purpose of conservatives was in 1981, when they said they were going to create a "new normal" and Reagan called it "morning in America." They assumed they finally were in control of the process for defying the universe. Fighting wars was how they were going to do so, even in contempt for Congress when it said they must ceases their war against Nicaragua.

Two points that need to be clarified are: What does defying the universe mean and how did corrupters get that way.

There is a trail that leads to the answer to the first point. It starts with conservative harping on freedom. They want freedom from government telling them what to do, freedom from laws being imposed upon them and freedom from any demands but their arbitrary whims in running our lives. All of that freedom is an attempt to disconnect from the laws of the universe.

The universe tells humans how to live. The laws of the universe define the difference between constructivity and destructivity. That is why engineers use Newton's laws instead of a pack of lies to design projects.

Newton's laws say, for every force there is an equal and opposite force. That is a law of the universe. If engineers defy it, their product doesn't work. Another is, force equals mass times acceleration. The universe defines what mass, force and acceleration are. To defy those laws is destructivity instead of constructivity.

That's what normal is. To create a "new normal" is to defy the universe, because there can never be a different normal than the one the universe requires for life.

It means normal people are doing what the universe demands of them and using science to determine what those demands are. But corrupters are trying to play god over the universe, which is not credible. That's why some of us view conservatives as unrealistic. They think they can defy the laws of the universe and impose that destructivity onto all of use by destroying government which prevents them from doing so.

How did they get that way? By being stupid. Ignorance creates destructive motives and destructive motives create ignorance.

All corruption starts with the assumption that if a person could prevail against others it would solve his problems. That assumption is stupid. Prevailing against others destroys their ability to live; and they aren't going to let it happen.

Over time, stupid assumptions expand and get rationalized. Corrupters believe their own lies and assume the lies are superior to the laws of the universe.

So a secondary effect of the original assumption that prevailing solves their problems is that everyone is trying to prevail against each other, so winning at prevailing is the only purpose anyone has. To win at prevailing is to destroy opponents.

So corrupters are immersed in a constant battle against enemies and view all concerns as a battle of "us against them." "Us" are all like-minded corrupters who collaborate to create a conspiracy against life. And "them" are all who oppose their corruption including their victims who are first and foremost vulnerable persons including the lower classes, minorities and immigrants.

A consequence of the stupidity and motives of corrupters is that they are destroyers. Yet they assume all that exists flows from their destructivity. They reverse constructivity and destructivity in their stupid assumptions.

Just Trust Us

For these reasons, corrupters expect the answers to everything to flow out of nothing. "Just trust us" is there ethic in life. It's an attempt to counter the rationality that relies upon science to determine what the laws of the universe are.

Corruption is an anti-reality and counter-intention mentality. In other words, corrupters run on opposition. They assume, if they can destroy the enemy and opposing standards, it will solve their problems. Opposition is the only problem they see. They never get past their opposition hang-up to determine why the laws of the universe would be relevant.

Darkness is required for that mentality. Darkness keeps the opposing forces of rationality and laws of the universe subdued. Subduing is the first requirement for corrupters—the first and last. They never get past the opposition to rationality to determine what happens next.

So they run on emptiness. Whim that flows out of them replaces rationality aligned upon the laws of the universe. And they believe in that standard. If it isn't whim (their own whim), it must be a threat to existence. Science is for fools. Fraud in science is the ticket to success.

The Wannabe Corrupters

Wannabe corrupters search for the acceptable. They never find rationality to be acceptable.

What wannabe corrupters are is superficial corrupters who find that they are not competent enough at producing rationality and turn to conspirators of corruption for an easier-to-produce alternative. Not being part of the source of corruption, they look for the end results of corruption for exploitation.

In looking for reality that has some other source than the universe (conspiring corrupters), they are unrealistic. They can't be told, because they don't evaluate. In fact, telling is an element of rationality which they view as conflicting with their realities.

Wannabe corrupters are a lot more visible now days, because they have major social forces to exploit, which of course means global warming, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. They promote those causes as sources of power, not as realities which solve problems.

This is why the energy systems can collapse into expensive junk and still be promoted as the solution to human problems. Whether the junk works is irrelevant to corrupters; only the exploitability as sources of social power are relevant to them.

Of course, if they realized they were destroying themselves promoting such frauds, they wouldn't do it; but being disconnected from objective reality, there is a degree of mindlessness which doesn't add up results properly.

The visible result is the dogmatism which passes off as journalistic information. Promoters are far more dogmatic than informers are. Dogmatists cannot allow an iota of criticism, because truth defeats them.

Dogmatic means subjective force without a realistic reality element. As forceful as dogmatists can be, they are extremely weak due to an absence of objective reality in their claims. And they are easily overwhelmed by the power of truth, which makes them more determined dogmatists.

We see this in the media now days. The dogmatists promoting causes are getting more obnoxious as their causes crumble and realities build up against them.

Promoters Of Causes

The alternative to rationality is promotion of causes. A cause is not definable. It's a group of persons who sort of do something. A cause is highly fluid, because it is not based on objective reality.

But a cause is assumed to be the answer to something. To persons who are not aligned upon objective reality through rationality, promoting a cause is the highest standard that can be achieved. So not going along with their causes is viewed negatively.

There could be no clearer example than removing carbon dioxide from the air. As a cause, it is devoid of reality and immune to being corrected. Arguments go in circles, because the cause is immutable while in conflict with reality.

Why doesn't one and one equal two when promoting a cause? There is no clear answer to that question. Theory simply indicates that persons who are disconnected from reality cannot rely upon obvious realities, because there might be some trickery involved.

There are a lot of half-truths in the promotion of corruption. A half-truth is something that would be true in a different context but is untrue in the context that is being promoted. But promoters of causes defy objective realities which are in the proper context, while surrounding realities clarify the truth.

Getting something done with a purpose is a reality increasing process, which requires vastly different methods than promoting causes. Constructivity is a rationality process rather than a subjective imposition process.

At The Extreme

The extreme is now visible and taking over politics showing how corrupters view reality. What they are stating is that reality is nothing but garbage to them. They keep telling us that what they say is not literally truth, but it is supposed to shape the political landscape anyway. We are supposed to live by fake reality.

Of course, the central point is the "big lie" that Trump won the election and democrats stole it from him. Conservatives all know it is a lie including Trump. But they need the lie for their agenda.

It shows that lies have a purpose, but that purpose is beyond description. Why should a lie have a meaning when it is known to be a lie? Buried in that incongruous fact is engrained reactions that converge without a plan or logic.

Originally, a lie is intended to be a truth. Over time, lies substitute for truth. All the while, the result of truth is supposed to be the result of the lie, even when the lie is known to be a lie. It's a transformation of reactions without a logic.

The arrogance of conservatives lying to hijack the government through fraud shows the threat that they create to rational existence.

The Significance Of Fakery

Emptiness As An Ethic


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP     



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