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The Bliss Of Power

November 26, 2020

Bliss is not a good thing; it misdirects standards.

Power tends to create bliss. It's one of the minor things wrong with the process of mongering power but significant.

The way it works is that bliss allows unscrupulous persons to start at the end point of where they want to get to, while it isn't where they should be getting to. Bliss allows them to make attempts they shouldn't be making.

Since they shouldn't be making such attempts, there is no justifiable and rational way to get there. So corruption is needed to get there. Bliss doesn't change the mechanics required for the purpose; it just changes the degree of arrogance in making the attempts.

Due to the bliss factor, power brings out the corruption inside of corrupters like emptying a bag of feathers. If there were more difficulty at being corrupt, there would be more inhibition and less inclination to promote corruption. Taking away the inhibitions brings out the corruptions.

At the same time, bliss allows corruption to be more concealed. Corruptions are more etheric and inconspicuous when concealed more easily. There is a shift from crude to sophistication in the promotion of corruption that the bliss of power produces.

Physics is perhaps the most extreme example. There is so much darkness surrounding physics that accountability is totally lacking. So tens of billions of dollars are spent on physics projects, where tens of thousands of dollars are spent on biological projects. The bliss of power does that. Biology is more accountable being more observable and less abstract.

For about seventy years, physicists have been building atom smashers trying to produce hydrogen fusion as a source of energy, while there is no significant energy in fusion reactions, as my mathematical proof of energy being misdefined shows. No significant criticism is allowed in physics, so no improvement in standards occurs.

Physicists created a fake Stefan-Boltzmann constant that shows forty times too much radiation being given off by matter at normal temperatures. Reduce the radiation by a factor of forty and the calculated global warming reduces by a factor of forty. Fraud is that blissful in physics.

For the lower classes, it's the other way around. They aren't allowed to live their own lives. Conservatives are pretending to make Eagle Scouts out of them by running them in circles for food stamps. There is no legal way for homeless persons to exist; so they are pushed around continuously. There is a degree of vulnerability that is criminalized. The absence of bliss is that way.

Getting Global Warming Wrong

Calculating Global Warming

Getting Nuclear Fusion Wrong

The Failure Of Journalists

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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