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Anti-Knowledge Attitudes

November 29, 2020

Anti-knowledge attitudes result in a lot of nonsense. So what is the purpose? Exploitation replacing knowledge is the purpose.

When corrupters decide to switch from constructivity to exploitation, the purpose of realities changes; so words don't look the same.

Knowledge operates at the boundaries of knowledge, since knowledge builds upon knowledge. In other words, knowns are the starting point and reference; and they are used as evidence in the area of unknowns.

Science of course systematizes that process. Everyone is supposed to be doing the same thing as scientists but in less extreme ways. Science is based upon five hundred years of evolved knowledge and applies that information to the acquisition of new knowledge for the purpose of extending the boundaries of knowledge outward.

In that process all related complexities provide evidence for new knowledge. So related complexities are developed first and then used to express something new.

A lot of communication doesn't look that way. Everything is disconnected. What is accomplished with disconnected realities? Nothing credible, logical or valid can be accomplished with disconnected realities.

The elements of that corruption need to be considered to understand how and why existence is being hijacked by destroyers, because we now see that the consequence is totalitarian fascists replacing ordered existence with their criminal impositions. Those types of persons have no respect for other persons or concern for the problems which they create in the process of mongering power. They monger power for personal gain at everyone else's expense.

Their words are used to monger power. Ordered reality is not used to monger power through words. Relatedness between points diminish mongered power and gives power to the enemy, because ordered reality and corruption are diabolically opposed to each other.

Power signaling kicks off the starting point of words used by corrupters. Power signaling says it is us and we are winners, so promote us and what we do to be a winner. Since power signaling is in the position that corrupters speak from, they conjure an image of power.

There are a lot of parallels to the animal world in the manner in which corrupters do things. The reason is because corruption is so simplistic and rudimentary that the same principles apply to animal behavior as to power mongering. In other words, the humanness that goes beyond animalism is based on the rationality and complex realities that corrupters are rebelling against. The alternative is highly reductionistic, which reverts to animal-like existence.

For example, a gorilla showing its teeth and beating its chest is a lot like the power signaling that corrupters use to frame their purposes. It says, since we are so great, you better join us or be a defeated loser.

Another similarity between animalism and power mongering that is visible in words is scent marking. Some types of animals urinate on objects as they travel to leave a trail that other animals can follow. The scent marking is visible in the words of corrupters as common signals that point to their areas of concern.

What could the "Tea Party" political movement be but scent marking? There is no reality element to it. It is nothing but a signal to like-minded persons to indicate the existence of a group. That standard might seem normal to power mongering corrupters, but compare it to science as an indication of what normal humanness is supposed to be. What in science looks like a Tea Party movement? Such nonsense and science are antithetical to each other. Humans are supposed to be doing what scientists do, not what animals urinating on objects do.

Corrupters are trying to destroy government and ordered existence to remove accountability for their destructivity. That's an animalistic existence, not what humans are supposed to be doing.

Character Corruption

Origins Of Totalitarianism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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