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Extreme Lying

October 27, 2020

Extreme lying is a reductionistic process. Corrupters cannot explain anything. Extreme lying takes care of that problem. It eliminates the need for explanations.

Absolutizing eliminates complexities, so no explanations are needed. Short phrases and quips take care of absolutes in both accusations of others and boasts about self.

It shouldn't, but does. Extremism is not normal and acceptable in the rational world. Yet it is the method of communication for corrupters. They sacrifice the image for the simplicity.

For this reason and many others, corrupters learn to live with unacceptability. The unacceptability of lying and reductionistic communication is covered over by the extreme claims. If corrupters are better than anyone else, or their opponents are worse than anyone else, the significance shifts to the claim instead of the image of their incompetent corruptness.

If it is important to prove that corrupters are wrong about their opponents being that bad or themselves being that superior, the image disappears in the argument. The absurdities tie up critics trying to argue the realities instead of exposing the incompetent corruptness.

Have you ever seen a journalist pick apart Trump's character? The lies are "fact checked;" but the reason why they exist is never mentioned.

Critics assume lying is self-condemning. They don't mention the obvious; but they should, because the go-alongs (Trump's base) are only measuring the ability to be a winner. To be a winner at lying is vastly superior to them than being a winner at producing rationality.

Corrupters are trying to figure out how to make sin pay. If someone can tie their opponents in knots by lying, that's how to make sin pay by the criterion of being a winner.

The whole significance of corruption is in the corruption until rationality exists. Trying to apply rationality to corruption is a losing battle. To make losers of opponents trying to produce rationality where there is none is how corrupters make sin pay.

When corrupters are doing their lying, the only thing relevant is the corruptness of the liars, not what they are saying. Trying to be rational with irrational persons only makes the corruption worse.

Corrupters need to be confronted as corrupters when they produce irrationality instead of trying to convert the irrationality into rationality.

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