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Why Alternative Reality

October 9, 2021

Trump's psychophants said their lying was alternative reality. They seemed to be assuming there is something valid or necessary about lies as alternative realities.

Whys are illusive and difficult to explain; but the why of alternative reality needs to be understood, because alternative reality is the basis for the totalitarian fascism that is overtaking human existence.

An example that shows the why is Trump's demanding that his Attorney General, William Barr, lie about the election being stolen, and he (Trump) would do the rest. Why did Trump need Barr to go along? To exploit Barr's authority.

This explains the why of alternative reality as lies. The purpose is to exploit existing authority and social structures by linking to normal reality through lies.

Lies are used as linkage points. They are a reversal of some concept. What they reverse determines what they link to.

Linking means exploitation. All corruption requires an exploitation of the products of non-corruption, since corruption does not produce anything. There has to be social structures and related realities for corrupters to exploit, or they have nothing.

So the purpose of the lies is to allow corrupters to attach to exploitable structures as sources of power. Normal persons oppose corruption for that reason—It destroys what it exploits. When corruption prevails, it destroys everything it influences.

Fake science is another example, if it can be believed to exist. Fake science has been glamorized to such an extent that a lot of persons cannot believe there could be such a thing. It's no different than being indoctrinated by conservative media and assuming the election was stolen or vaccines have computer chips in them.

It's extremely obvious that conservatives who believe the lies are out of contact with reality. They look at nothing but conservative sources and have no reality on what is actually going on.

Similarly, the public is so out of contact with science that they have no clue as to what is going on in science. Glamorized fakery is all they see of science. It takes real science for corrupt scientists to exploit. So the real science is supposed to create the image for the corrupt scientists, just as Trump needs the image of being president to impose his sin and ignorance onto society.

The Significance Of Fakery


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP     



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