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What Power Mongers Accomplish

July 10, 2021

What did Trump accomplish in his first four years, and why was he supposed to be the answer to everything in his next four years? The accomplishments of power mongers are always in the future, while history has to be rewritten to conceal what power mongers did in the past. Futurism is an essential part of corruption.

Magicism is an essential part of futurism. Magicism is solving everyone's problems without truth, knowledge or rationality. It isn't a method or process; it's a result. The result of magicism isn't just a little bit but the answer to everything for everyone, such as all the boats rising when the power mongers get more tax dollars to burn.

Year after year, the top one percent of society acquires more power and money, while everyone else is worse off. The boats don't rise, they sink, when power mongers acquire more power. Yet the magic of conservatives has never had any other explanation than everyone benefiting from power mongers acquiring more power.

By contrast, the libs talk about methods and processes. Essential processes accomplish whatever they accomplish, and then more processes are needed to accomplish what still needs to be accomplished.

That's what conservatives call socialism. Solving society's problems is what conservatives oppose. The problems supposedly solve themselves when power mongers acquire more power.

Futurism Fakery


Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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