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What Insanity Is

May 18, 2021

Insanity is believing erroneous relationships between realities in an extreme way. Corrupters have the purpose of promoting errors, while followers believe the errors.

Promoters of errors know they are not properly representing reality, while they convince followers who don't know the errors are errors or where they came from. Technically, the originators would not be insane, and some would say they were brilliant, while the followers would be insane for believing the errors.

But the promoters of errors are more insane than the followers due to the surrounding realities which cause them to assume they are gaining something. Considering the totality, promoters of errors are more insane than the followers who believe the errors.

In other words, promoters of extreme errors almost assume the errors are correct, which is what gave them the idea of promoting the errors. They almost believe the errors due to getting surrounding realities wrong. But they see a slight flaw in the errors and assume the flaw can be exploited.

The followers of corrupters are in the opposite position. They normally find rationality to be more credible than corruption but have such limited understanding that they allow the power of corruption pull them in an illogical direction. The illogical nature of promoted errors tends to be viewed as a brilliant solution to something by persons who don't understand the surrounding realities.

A highly informative example is the January 6th invasion of the Capitol building. No one can explain a logic for the result. The assumed world ruler promoted it, so there was a force moving in that direction. The degree of conflict with reality was missed by the followers, because they saw power in the corruption that Trump promoted.

Relativity is that way in physics. During the peak of scientific success during the 1950s and 60s, the fakery of relativity was generally assumed by non-physicists. But as corruption overwhelmed science, the corrupters of science got more bold in promoting relativity or exposing the public to it. Now days there is a tendency for students of physics to believe (in) relativity (a religious concept).


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