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Words Defeat Them

November 8, 2020

Corrupters have difficulty with words. Realities are too visible for them as words. They want realities to change on a whim and disappear when contradictions occur.

What conservatives are trying to do is unacceptable; so they promote their purposes by example instead of explanations.

The conservative message is that liberal elites on the coasts are oppressing the blue collar workers in between and the answer is corporations burning tax dollars on stock buy-backs. There is no way to get words to say that, but conservatives feel that it it true. They go by feel instead of words.

Words have to be devoid of explanations which expose the truth in the world of corrupters. So rudimentary words are used to express values, which includes a lot of name calling. Sloganeering and clipped phrases replace explanations.

The starting point is a conflict with reality. Why do corrupters feel something that is unrealistic; and why do they hate liberals who are problem solvers and quite tolerant (overly tolerant) of corruption?

The reactions occur when liberals try to solve problems by adding rationality to a subject to produce constructivity through truth, knowledge and social justice. All of those things rub corrupters the wrong way. Rationality leaves them out, while truth and justice condemn them. When corrupters react, the result tends to be illegal due to laws which liberals promote.

But corrupters feel they are right and their opponents are doing something unjustifiable. The feel is in conflict with reality. The feel results from forces acting against them. Corrupters assume there should not be forces acting against them and the persons creating those forces are doing something wrong.

So rationality, truth, knowledge and social justices become corruptions which need to be defeated. To defeat those things requires more corruption. Destroying government and burning tax dollars are part of that process.



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