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Why Absolutism

January 24, 2022

Absolutism is increasing, as social standards deteriorate. It wasn't fascism that caused social standards to deteriorate; it was deterioration of social standards that opened the door to incompetent corrupters allowing them to acquire new power in overwhelming social structures.

One of the social standards to deteriorate was an increase in absolutism. What absolutism is is one of the elements of defense against truth exposing incompetence and corruption.

Absolutism is a method of shrugging off responsibilities. Responsibilities involve complexities in accounting for the causes of problems and solutions. Absolutism does not account for such complexities; it simply plugs in a predetermined response by demanding more of the same.

In that manner, absolutism removes openness and accountability from a subject. A slogan takes care of everything. And therefore, even if a person gets it wrong, or more correctly, gets caught at screwing everything up, there was only a slogan involved, which might reduce the problem to an oversight.

A recent example of absolutism prevailing over rationality was the claimed gaffe of Biden's in saying a limited invasion of Ukraine by Russia would result in a limited response by the U.S. Degenerates instantly went into correction mode saying the U.S. response would always be total regardless of the cause.

That's absolutism replacing rationality. Everyone knows the response has to be quite limited. But the pretense has to be an absolute, max-out, total response regardless of the realities involved. The need for that position is absolutism. Incompetents need to absolutize everything with their claims to remove responsibilities for rationality from the subject.

It seems to me that everything being called a gaffe by Biden is of the same nature. He evaluates the rationality of a subject, and dimwits jump on it saying it is a gaffe. Rationality is a gaffe to incompetent corrupters.

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